Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 176,895,792 Issue: 423 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y11
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New Series

Yuletide Witches: Part One

The Christmas Yurble hummed a merry tune under his breath as he read the parchment in his hand. It was a list of names, and this would be the second time he had checked it...

by herdygerdy
Mirror, Mirror!: Part One

There were rumors about this tower, this room, this mirror. Long before the citadel had risen...

by shelbymcb85
The Gift of Winter: Part One

The only one who had seemed not to notice the unusual weather was Taelia, the Snow Faerie who lived on the highest point of Terror Mountain. She was used to the cold...

by cheeseworld101
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Holidays in Moltara

What people may not know is that there is an exciting new destination that they can enjoy today, and for years to come! It offers a warm atmosphere, friendly Neopets, and exotic food that I can guarantee they've never had before. I'm talking about Moltara City! Since its discovery by the famed researcher Clara Chatham, Moltara City has flourished as a hidden getaway for the elite, and now it is open to the public for all to enjoy. I have recently taken a trip to Moltara to see what all the hubbub was about when it comes to the Holidays...

Other Stories


Faith, Hope, and Christmas Kougras
Why would she spend her time on an ugly, abandoned pest when she had her beautifully painted children at home?

by meggierules2129


Twice Upon a Christmas
"Well, your father said he'll be home on Christmas, which is tomorrow – " Darel's grandmother consulted an ancient pocket watch. "Oh, I mean, in less than an hour."

by precious_katuch14


Festive Fighting
What do you get a Wocky for Christmas when he already owns a Scuzzys Comb?

by stoicjohn


A Journey of Giving
Pampered neopets can't be expected to work too hard around the holidays, but that doesn't mean they can't do anything for others.

by teaspill


Neoventures Christmas '09 Edition
Whoops... maybe you should check the packaging next time!

by guardianpinkneko


Lighthouse Christmas pt.3
Bah humbug.

by louishooper

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