Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 182,995,662 Issue: 470 | 19th day of Storing, Y12
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New Series

Empire: Part One

Neopia Central is a very curious city. There is no ruler, no one to set the rules or guide the people. So, with the lack of any available Neopet, chaos rules.

by herdygerdy
Occupational Hazard: Part One

Somewhere in the bowels of a sinister space station, flung far out into the most distant reaches of the Neopian star system, a Wocky was running for her life.

by antiaircraft
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"A Story in Which the Title Was Eaten by a Lupe" by crazy_holly_ii and esperonza14
And now... now Mr. Coconut was popular. Because of a silly caption contest. All Mr. Coconut ever did was say "GOOD NIGHT!" and now... he had stolen Mr. Pumpkin's fame. Mr. Pumpkin had one friend. Mr. Lupe was a blue Lupe, and he was a very good friend to Mr. Pumpkin. Mr. Pumpkin thought about his Lupe friend, and how he was grateful that he was not a Chia, on his way home...

Other Stories


His favorite spot in the shop was in the far back, a place where most customers never bothered to go, where tiny spyders lived in the corners and spun silken designs in their webs.

by vanessa1357924680


Tale of... Whoa, that was unexpected!
Most of Neovia has become rather bland, but there are rumors of things that go bump in the night. Whenever someone is suspicious of their neighbor, they send me to investigate.

by smudgeoffudge


Toys and Teeth
The easiest and cheapest way to make your pet smile again is playing with it.

by kissy_08


Hey! It's Tips for Gadgadsgame!
Ever wanted a game avatar?

by hamzandrilez


Don't Save the Pie Part 2
The Skeith does not want the pie to be "saved."

by bedbugz


Neopian Neophyte - Food Issues 1
The more you know...

by leedom111

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