Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 191,754,914 Issue: 618 | 25th day of Collecting, Y15
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New Series

Coronation: Part One

"All I ask of you today is to inspect these masks carefully and let me know if you sense anything, whether it be magic, ghosts, or technology... anything at all that could alter the wearer's behavior..."

Co-written by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma

Monster Hunting: Part One

In all his wildest dreams Jedd never thought he'd end up perched on a creaky branch jutting out of a cliff face accompanied by a chipper Starry Blumaroo deep in the heart of the Haunted Woods...

by yampuff
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"Be Careful What You Wish For..." by viiangel
She walked through the maze of tombstones, creaking wrought iron gates, and jack-o-lanterns, towards the now audible music of the fair. The sky lit up with lightning and the storm that never seemed to leave Castle Nox. That place was REALLY haunted, and it gave her the creeps! She shuddered again. "Okay, Wakka, just get an AMAZING costume, and GET OUT!"

Other Stories


Miss Eileen
I pushed through the thick woods, dodging branches and tree roots, trying not to get my fur caught in them.

"Sky, come out from your hiding spot!"

by dayoflove


Enhancing Your Halloween with Super-SCIENCE!

Co-written by my twin brother, homsar_eggplant

by parody_ham


10 Items to Spruce Up Your Ghostly Themed Halloween
A list of ghost themed items that I'm sure the Ghost Lupe himself would approve of.

by dogs_can_bark


A Haunted Maze
It's a piece of cake, you will see.

by saudadesdagripe


Halloween Zaf Girls
Is it because of my costume?

by thesovietivan


The Cybunny Intelligence
You are what you eat... literally.

by soderham

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