teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 191,906,077 Issue: 624 | 13th day of Celebrating, Y15
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New Series

The Best Present Ever: Part One

"Ruby!" Violet called, using her faerie wings to gracefully dodge Xsteriod and Storm, who were tangled up in Christmas lights. "I need you and Emerald to take the cookies out of the oven- And don't you DARE eat them!"

by thedoggirl_97
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Winter Wonderland

Suddenly Terror Mountain lights up with life as joyful laughter fills the air as fireplaces are lit and the smell of peppermint and gingerbread waft through the streets. It only happens once a year but once the Month of Celebrating arrives Terror Mountain is a Terror no more. Instead, it becomes a beautiful...

Other Stories


In the Spotlight! (From a Kadoatie's Perspective)
Hey there! I am the ever so famous Kitty. After hearing stories from my brother, Puppy, I am more than thrilled to finally meet you.

by kitty_power_2298


"C'mon, Shaun! I'm sick of waiting, when do we get to go out there?" A small Magma Bori pouted and crossed her arms across her chest.

by flames_unleashed


Keeping The Creative Juices Flowing
There's no denying that there is a huge pressure that comes with writing.

by temari_san_no_hoshi


The Ten Best Peophin Colours
Ever wanted to own a Peophin? Well, look no further!

by nadira_cute


Faerie Magic?
Let's go get healed.

by admonisher


Flying With Glumpkin
Just let him have his moment.

by ragecandybar

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