Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 193,217,755 Issue: 679 | 6th day of Awakening, Y17
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New Series

Scarab Queen: Part One

She surveyed the city as the hot wind blew her loose hair around her face, slightly bemused by the fact that most of the people out there called her "Your Majesty" and bowed their heads to her when they saw her.

by saphira_27
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"Zelroo" by kadface
The stars twinkled and glittered in the distance, shining out into the darkness of space like a lighthouse on the rocks. The Virtupets Space Station was tumbling through the vacuum, spinning towards Neopia faster than the eye could follow. Out of a window, set deep into the bottom was a face. A blue Blumaroo stared out onto the world spinning below him. His name was Zelroo...

Other Stories


A Professor's Wisdom
Sarana was ecstatic. This was the class she was looking forward to the most in her beginning year at Brightvale University. Every Neopian knew of the great wisdom of King Hagan...

by dottie27a


To Be A Warrior
With my old hunting grounds of Giant's Pit no longer a threat, and my resignation as champion from the Sakhmet arena circuit, I have a lot of extra free time on my hooves.

by blackghoulmon


The Neopian Gamer's Guide to Cheat!
It's a simple card game that involves strategy, and just a little bit of luck.

by golden1188


A Guide to Player Created Battledome Leagues
Since the new battledome was introduced, one of things that has seen a huge success is leagues for pets to fight in.

by swordarts


Codestones Have Feelings Too!
Are you cold?

Also created by coloridge

by stephsie


Codestone Deception
Probably should have used the Shop Wizard...

Idea by pinkcrown123

by laughitoff123

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