A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 195,362,730 Issue: 846 | 2nd day of Storing, Y20
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The Heart of Spring

The magic of seasons is in more danger than anyone realises...

by ketchup547
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Cumulative Trophies – Conquering the Impossible

Two years ago, I submitted an article to The Neopian Times that sought to bring some of Neopia’s most over-looked game trophies to the public’s attention. These are the cumulative trophies, those which reflect millions of points sunk into the games of Pyramids, Sakhmet Solitaire, Scarab 21 and Neggsweeper. The TLDR version of my last article was that these trophies are not impossible to get, even if you’ve only just signed up to Neopets today. They simply require a huge investment of time and dedication, with a smidgen of luck thrown into the mix. As long as you submit a score in these games once every three months, you retain your high score and can keep adding onto it; come back four months later and you’re back to square one. Towards the end of the article, I revealed my own personal journey with these special and rare trophies: I was struggling to shimmy up the high score table of Neggsweeper, aiming for my first ever cumulative trophy. Since its publication, I have received Neomails from multiple users who wanted to check in with how I’d progressed.

Other Stories


Keen's Pirate Adventure
I’m gonna spoil the ending of this story right now: I die. But not really, or else I wouldn’t be writing this, right? And you don’t really die in Neopia, you’re brought back as someone else.

by hannahcreep


Cumulative Trophies – Conquering the Impossible
The TLDR version of my last article was that these trophies are not impossible to get, even if you’ve only just signed up to Neopets today. They simply require a huge investment of time and dedication, with a smidgen of luck thrown into the mix.

by puddydog


Showing Your Love for Coltzan III
He's more than just a floating ghost head!

by mimitchi880


Finders keepers, losers weepers
how can one truly know?

Also by tonyrichard

by dinha_reeves


Seven's Guide to Trick-or-Treat
how to halloween

by welikedots

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