White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 127,792,023 Issue: 260 | 6th day of Collecting, Y8
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Short Stories

Blessing, Ruby, and the Miracle

The spinner almost landed on the question mark space but slowly turned and landed on... the skull...

by bubblebob052
Why Not Spike?

And he was a great fan of Yooyuball, so a Yooyu would make a great Petpet. Yes, Leven had decided. Spike was out, and Yooyu was in. But the look on Spike's face as he was taken out the door...

by honshusan
Card Collections - The Fontaine Sisters

"Sometimes, what seems like a curse can be a blessing in disguise..."

Also by yatomiyuka

by iwantyours

The Right Kind of Family

During the course of three days, my little sister, Kell, or Kelly to call her by her full name, had ripped the head off of my Jeran plushie, eaten my secret collection of chocolate Jerans, stolen all my Neopoints which I was saving up for more Jeran stuff and spent it on Usukis. Who wouldn't want revenge?

by _ducky_dude__
Goodnight, Graphie

Graphie hadn't been able to get more than a few hours of sleep for the past three days... but why? Okay, so on the first day it was because she'd eaten a whole carton of chocolate swirl ice cream...

by sweetie_me274
Erew: The Seventh Abandoning

Dr._Death lifted his head and stared at Erew in disbelief and annoyance. "So how many times now?" he asked dryly...

by jamice_muff_muff
Lesser Faerie

'It wasn't me,' thought the air faerie. She stopped and hovered inside a bush, giving her heart time to stop pounding. 'It wasn't me...'

by tashni
Hyperion: The Beginning

"You know where they'll end up," the second voice said. "Where all the others do." Dr. Death said nothing in response to this...

by micrody
Cry for a Queen

What right had the rest of the world to be sunny, happy, or bright? How could the birds sing so freely when it was all she could do not to scream?

Also by laurelinden

by precious_katuch14

Linda and Tiburo

She kept smiling, every day, all the time. Not one Neopet had ever seen Linda stop smiling, actually...

by royal9603jem
The Artist

"So, class," said our teacher, who was a Royal Cybunny, "today for art we will be painting a picture that I assign you." We all cheered, for we were actually doing something fun in art!

by bathschool123
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On the Cup: Dasher Soley

"Those lubbers thought they'd got us, wi' that huge lump of a forward who does nothin' but stand in front o' the goal an' rocket in th' shots. But if he don't get the Yooyu, he don't score nothin', so we played to stop th' Yooyu gettin' near 'im an' it worked. An' we've got good ol' Garven [Hale] in goal, so even when those flower-heads got th' Yooyu to him, Volgoth couldn't do anythin' with it..."

Other Stories


Twenty One Tips on How to Be Boochi Safe!
If you have always dreaded the thought of being zapped by that little pink critter, then this article is for you!

by illusen_emrald


Storm Center: Cyodrake's Gaze
Eye of the Storm is an extremely easy puzzle game, needing a bit of luck for some parts of it. You see, the Gaze is under one of the two hundred and forty tiles on the game board, along with its crew and a few special tiles thrown in just for fun. This guide will show you just how easy the game is, the different ways that you can play it, how you can win it and what does what.

by visorak_commander


The Legend of Paraiso: Part Four
Jeanie and Nexy looked around at the walls and gasped. "What is this?" Jeanie asked. Designs and hieroglyphs dotted the walls...

by jeanaet


How to Be a Fire Faerie: Part Three
A second later, Blaze caught up with me, landing on the roof. "Well done, Simma," she said. "You're certainly progressing. We can start doing long-distance and stunts now..."

by purplefire_hawk


~National Twins Day~
Lalala, tum te dum...

by pixiepuff


Hingoyle the Pea Chia
The different peas of Neopia.

by goody2shoes153

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