Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 135,120,765 Issue: 267 | 22nd day of Storing, Y8
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Short Stories

Gilly and the Mystery of Proof

"Yeah right!" said a blue Usul named Amy. "As if you would get into an adventure like that!"

by capricornhunter
Journey Under the Bed

Elinor was bored. Elinor hated being bored. When she was bored she felt dizzy and got a pain in her neck. Dizziness and neck-pains are best avoided, so the spotted Xweetok was eager to find something to do...

by aigroegdede
Why Am I So Blue?

I was a very curious little Xweetok, constantly getting myself into tight situations from which my owner, Elfwick, would have to rescue me. I remember one particular adventure better than any other. It was the adventure that inspired me to become a Defender of Neopia...

by elfwick
Card Collections - Shoonee

As Shoonee trudged up stairs, all her mind was thinking off was her presents - wrapped up in different presents, all the individual shapes...

Also by yatomiyuka

by iwantyours

The Wise Man and the Fool

"Y'know, the Techo Master has this saying..."

by 4zure
The Box

"Well then... Why don't you try opening it, eh? There might be something worthwhile inside..."

by chibi104
A Lesson in Understanding

"Tell you what," I said, "I'll erase the worst of those parts and make it up to you with that cake in my SDB." She kept her eyes lowered...

by fairy8queen
The Freeloader

I moaned and felt around for a pillow before stuffing it over my ears. There went my brother, Jakalo1, again. It was like this every morning on the weekends. Typically, he leads a very sad life. Or at least I think so. But how could it not be sad when his idea of fun is cleaning?!

by lavamitten
Annunciation, Arguments, and Airspray

Cyan, more commonly known as the Negg Faerie, sniffed her annoyance. "It's called dramatic effect, Aethia. And I'll have you know that the instructions clearly state that one must add in a dramatic pause between the Kyrii's hair and the Golden Juppie soup. It won't work properly, otherwise..."

by silent_snow
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"Why Am I So Blue?" by elfwick
She was stocking up our medicine cabinet because I had just gotten over Bloaty Feet and had used up all of our Magic Smelly Socks. Well, actually, we had only used a couple of them. I snuck the rest into my Secret Sanctum because I like socks, but...

Other Stories


Veggie Livin'
Neopets all over are adopting a vegetarian lifestyle. Despite what some nay-sayers may think, like those Chia loving Lupes, a meatless diet is interesting and tasty...

by pixie_dust_318


At Pizzaroo you can buy uniquely flavored pizzas! All pizzas come straight from the oven and you rarely every have to wait for yours to be made!

by doggieloover23


A Question of Worth: Part One
Springing forward, he swiped a vase off its table and watched it smash on the floor. The resulting crash, and shards of pottery, were satisfactory, but not quite enough. Christopher's paws shot out, and he heaved the table up...

by extreme_fj0rd


At the AstroVilla: Part Eight
Cypher's mouth dropped open. "You actually believe what people are saying? You think that I'm the kidnapper? I thought you were on my side!"

by kemppotatoe


Trouble at Cyodrake's Gaze
Yikes! Watch out!

by samantha13_rose


Normal is Overrated
You're just jealous!

by tamarainian_girl

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