Meow Circulation: 177,073,977 Issue: 330 | 15th day of Awakening, Y10
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Short Stories

How Long Horizon

He accomplished his dream of going beyond the clouds, but he left something behind...

by pyrosquirrelx
Sloth and Jelly

He had done it all. He had changed Random Theme Wednesday to Random Acts of Evil Wednesday, he had created his own Neovision show, he had turned Terror Mountain into a giant slushie…

by mookie99
Tormund and Roberta #1, Jerdana's Orb

The bottom crumbled away and the whole thing came toppling down on Roberta...

by hali12114721767
The Meepit Show Reloaded

Good afternoon, and welcome to the Meepit Show, the show that takes fragile dreams and rearranges them with a sledgehammer...

by spoonguardonline
Falling Leaves

"Now, who will volunteer to go first? I want everyone to throw out some ideas..."

by reggieman721

Purple Grundos were created so he could have someone to tease. Gruselda hated Dr. Sloth. She absolutely hated him...

by ahseenam
Just One Wish

'GET YOUR BAKERY ITEMS HERE!' bellowed a red Elephante...

Also by devil_in_a_red_dress

by dark_slammer

Our Shopping Trip at the NC Mall

"Shopping?" Coldfire inquired, an eyebrow raised. "When did you start liking shopping?"

by vanessa1357924680
The Wocky and the Moehog

"Good! I was only joking anyway! I'm glad!" Renliah shouted after them. She waited until they were out of sight...

by lovebug__
A Short Conversation

I often found myself walking alongside her through the pound, as she tried her best...

by lee_angel23
Onions In the Sink

"Wow," she said finally. "We've been working so long, it almost seems wrong to suddenly have everything we've been dreaming of..."

by serissa98
Understanding the Understudy

They think I could never be as good as Fio. But you know what scares me the most?

by jubjub_man77
Search the Neopian Times


Keeping a Neopet Happy

After some experimenting on the part of users, it was found that there were now four possible emotions for pets to express: happiness, sadness, anger, and sickness. With this addition, users became aware of their pets' moods, health points, and illnesses. Still, sometimes it can be difficult to placate a grumpy pet. This brief guide may help explain some of the common causes of unhappy pets and suggest some...

Other Stories


Have You EVER Made King Skarl Laugh?
You know how if you get King Skarl to laugh, you get an item? I reckon that you should get Neopoints.

by india10000


Do You Support Sloth?
Maybe he just wants to cause a ruckus? Whatever the case, you need to decide now if you are for or against him. Take this simple quiz to find out!

by confiserie


Fyora and Jhudora: Secrets Within the Clouds - Part Two
Aurora, struggling to speak, said, "I have urgent news for the Faerie Queen; please, take me to her..."

by bluecloud300


The Statue Collector: Part Three
The Snowager was awake and glared at me viciously, daring me to try to steal his treasures...

by brokensilent


Cardboard Neohomes Save Neopoints
None yet. *shrug*

by uncleantabby


Puzzle Head-ache

by marije_89

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