teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 171,760,959 Issue: 398 | 26th day of Relaxing, Y11
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Short Stories

Zafara Bee Champion

The blue Zafara reluctantly looked at the paper. "A spelling bee? What about it?"

by _trail_

She'd had a name once.

She'd had a real name, not a title like 'The Betrayer' or 'The Darkest Faerie'.

by jillpuppy

Stalking Sloth

What you are currently reading is a top secret account of my top secret mission.

by autotune
Honorary Faerie

"Name why you love Faerieland and you get to spend the entire day with the entire Faerie crew."

by ju_ju_beans220
A Change By Chance

"I wouldn't try a quest today, young lady. She's not herself. Really, not herself."

by epode
A Muddy Escapade

The mud puddle offered many possibilities, all of which seemed enormously appealing.

by mckinleybooksfan
Stars: Another Beginning

"Choose your path," the voice said. "Only you can know which path is the right one to follow."

by micrody
Suspicious Circumstances

In seconds, the ball burst in an explosion of water, drenching the other pet.

"You forgot to scorch it!" she called out...

by dragonstorm_75

The Princess and the Fanatic

"I'd like to know whose side he's really on. I mean, he's probably only bluffing."

by precious_katuch14
Search the Neopian Times


"Downfall" by jillpuppy
She would not fail, like the other times. She was now more powerful than they could imagine. She would rule the world. (Because she couldn't, shouldn't, wouldn't go back.) But maybe (just maybe), after this was all over, she'd let herself look back. Maybe then, she'd let herself remember who she once was...

Other Stories


More Famous Than You: The Shop Wizard
You know, I've really been ignored all my life. Why, I remember back when I was a young JubJub...

by sgwrites


The Neopian Lottery – to Play Or Not to Play...
You win if you matched the most numbers that day. If nobody matches all 6, then we move to who matched 5.

by htamale


Roomies 4: Part Six
"Wake up soon, Jesc," Jhudora mumbled, massaging her head with her fingers. "I don't know how much more of this I can take."

by vanessa1357924680


Flying High: Part Five
All the faeries in the hall, including Fyora, instantly stopped what they were doing and turned their heads to look at the doors. There was another BANG and the doors opened...

by bugsypal9


We're gonna be late for the game!

by ghostkomorichu


Feepit Frenzy #18: Altador Cup Special
Quick! Pass it over here!

by fariy287

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