There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 179,788,606 Issue: 445 | 28th day of Hunting, Y12
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Short Stories

Memories of the PPL: The Spell

It was my rookie year at the Petpet Protection League, specifically at the PPL Headquarters, located in Neopia Central, when the incident occurred.

by lupe_hunter_7
Ice Heart

There he was again, at the top of the cliff, waiting for her to appear.

by coolsteph281
My Battle With Balthazar

But what happens if you stumble across him as he's catching faeries? Would you try to stop him? And if you did, what would he do to you?

by blackghoulmon
The Cove

What am I going to do now? he thought as he surveyed Krawk Island...

by machupichu25309
The Guards

The room was empty, revealing that the two City Guards were the first customers in about maybe an hour.

by sceptil99
Silverlight: Stranger

Ben scrambled to his feet, dropping the worn old jacket he'd been working on. His needle clattered to the floor, rolling underneath his chair.

by haikumonster
Who Knew?

"Maja!" Tamerick called frantically. "Forrest is eating my Yurble Tales!"

by thediractor
The Storm

Khaytra sighed. "Maybe two hours, I'll say," he said. "It's been rising faster today than last night."

Also by kewtiepiexx

by coookie18471

Anina's Parlor

A special visit to Anina's Parlor is going to change TwilightsVoice's luck but he's going to learn, others have to pay.

by brokensilent
Who I Am

"Easy for you to say – Lupes are used to this kind of temperature," said Lassie, shivering.

by carys1994
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Nibbles in Neopia

We all know life in Neopia starts in Neopia Central, so it's easy enough to get to our first joint: Soup Kitchen. Just be careful on the stroll down the busy West Central Walk; it can be rife with other unfortunate people heading the same way, so mosey on through the bustling bazaar, remembering to avoid the snake oil quack at the "wizard's shop" and head into the lower west corner of the marketplace. Never be ashamed of visiting the lower central markets; even the...

Other Stories


The Utimate Yooyuball Guide
The awesome, ultimate guide to Yooyuball is here!

by dark_lord_of_doom57


A Guide to Eating Jelly Blobs of Doom
This guide is written purely for those who believe that a world made of Jelly exists, which is a myth.

by pikakirby123


Visions and Vanishings: Part Two
"Ok, Farren, calm down. It's all over now," said Salthar calmly. "Just tell me what you saw."

by chax1414


Princess Bones: Part Two
Rina rushed into her history class the next day, letting out a huge sigh of relief when she saw that her teacher wasn't there yet.

by vanessa1357924680


Recipe for Disaster
Enter the "problem" employee.

by prismfire


In the Name of Science
The tale of a Tyrannian Sloth minion.

by lombre

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