A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 181,284,534 Issue: 454 | 30th day of Swimming, Y12
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Short Stories

Annie's Cupcakes

The cupcakes smell like light fluffy dreams. They literally have a flavour for everyone.

by crables
A Beautiful Zombie

Please don't run away. I may not be the prettiest Usul to look at, but I wasn't always a zombie.

by emrozi
Princess of Prophecy: The Beginning

It came without warning. I had never expected or even heard of such a thing as I was still so young. The world around me blurred and faded, and the next thing I knew...

by saeryena
Broken Stones

Not everyone is equally able to catch the rising tide. Consider Suller. One could search the world over and over again and never gaze upon a more somber and cheerless visage.

by lyraedi
The Adventures of the Young Chia Detective

Early in the morning, the Jam Palace is the best place to think about the mysteries I solve, because everyone is still sleeping and I can use the tables to put lots of papers and notes.

by anamya
Starry Hats

Sinister dark green eyes turned on a cowering yellow JubJub. "So, boy, do you have it? Am I to spare you for today?"

by goldenella87
Offseason Choices

We had known that it was going to be a difficult match, as Maraqua hadn't lost a game of yooyuball since beating us in the first round.

by rookerooke10
Luck of a Snowbunny

"Whoa, that snow's really coming down out there!" exclaimed Baxter to his sister, trying to make polite conversation. It had been another unsuccessful day in trying to find a job, and Belle knew it.

by rat_terrier_lover_12
The Evil Ring

"Just be grateful we're in Meridell instead of the Haunted Woods," Tadri murmured...

by blue_magic
The Fountain Faerie Quest

"Of course!" Nancy exclaimed, shocked. "Why on earth would you think I'd use it on you?"

by fyora123123
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"The Fountain Faerie Quest" by fyora123123
Nancy Normal Neopian stared at the random event in front of her, her jaw hanging open. She blinked. It was still there. She pinched herself. It was still there. She reached out, as though she could touch it. Her hand passed right through it, but that’s how random events are. Her active – and only – neopet stood beside her. Rosie77778888 (Rosie), her Xweetok, was new to Neopia and didn’t know what was going on. She didn’t know why it was so important. Nancy got random events all the time, so what was so special about this one?

Other Stories


What Normal Neopians Never Notice: Chia's Other Enemy
I really hope the Chias know that they have an invisible enemy...

by goobie_7_2


Fame - Your Guide to Becoming a Famous Neopian
There are obviously many ways of getting people's attention in Neopia, but which of them really stand out?

by fattree


Zeke's Gift: Part Two
"I can't believe she's going to be a foster parent! You know, I was thinking about it earlier and I thought, maybe it wouldn't be so bad, 'cause I mean, after all it's not like they're staying with us forever and..."

by corygirl200


Good Foundations: Part Two
He opened the door to his office.

There was someone waiting within.

by herdygerdy


Slorgville: "No"
Apparently, Slorgmo doesn't get jokes.

by darthrobby_6000


Sketchy Babies: A Game of Yooyuball
Use your head!

by icysnowe

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