A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 184,475,297 Issue: 468 | 5th day of Storing, Y12
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Short Stories

The Ultimate Cheat

"This would be the day that Randolph finally became someone important. He would become the Cheat champion. He had been waiting for this day for years."

by pandas_91
The Amazing Adoption

This is a true story of how I got my loving Grundo, Mallexar.

by amsurito
A Fish Out of Water

"I don't know. Go explore or something. Just be bored somewhere else, ok?"

by thediractor
The Restless Gnorbu

Yifeb had started working at the Chocolate Factory when she was very young. "It's like my second home," she was fond of saying.

by emrozi
Space Chaser

But the alien Aisha was just so determined to make it work. He'd spend dozens of hours each week...

by le_eyo

Today was the day. I had finally proven that I was responsible enough to go deposit our neopoints.

by beautifuldirtyrich__
My Visit To The NT Office!

Look out for those new Meepit cashiers...

by mikugumilove
The Examiner's Choice

A bubbly Bruce hopped up next to try and enter the imperial exam. The Kacheek looked up at her and said, "Spell 'working', please."

by lemonberry_kitkat
The Spellbook (of DOOM)

Note to self: Dustinany + Spellbook = Bad combo.

by pretsel_is_back
A Letter Too Late

For thirty-seven years now I have been your most loyal and trusted servant.

by barefootedcinderella
Marching - A Band Geek Story

It was only the second day of band camp, and I was already wishing for it to be over.

by laurapet131

I can't tell you how many hours I've spent watching my owner, Max, standing on top of a box to be taller and screaming, "WN BD PPL BC AV UFT!"

by chocolate_fudge7
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Preparing for Battle

Preparing a pet for the Battledome doesn't need to be stressful or difficult as you think it might be. All it takes is some basic know-how and the willingness of you (and your pet of course!) to go and enter the arena of the Battledome. So if you haven't fought a single battle yet in the BD or would like to be more informed of how to go about preparing a pet for it, here's a simple and easy guide to help you on your way: There are three main things that you need to consider...

Other Stories


Your Guide to Neopet Cleanliness
20 of the best products in Neopia for keeping your pet clean.

by mango_mango101


How To Throw A Slorgtastic Party In 5 Easy Steps!
All great Slorg enthusiasts know that the 3rd day of the month of Storing is when we celebrate those adorable little slimey Petpets.

by girlygrl27


Illusions of Grandeur: Part Two
Either way, this was not my father, but I could more easily get rid of a ghost than track down an illusionist, especially one clever enough to have thought up this trick to begin with.

by kittengriffin


Ties That Bind: Part Three
The mages began to chant in some foreign language, a singsong gibberish that echoed in the large room, growing louder as seconds passed.

Art by merlynia

by merlynia


The Off Season- Hero Gyro
The Techo Super-Fan

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5


No Vacancy
There's a reason the healing springs say "At your own risk".

by tristasmith

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