Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 183,130,331 Issue: 471 | 24th day of Storing, Y12
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Short Stories

The Kreludorian Eclipse

Lilly rolled in her swivel chair away from her writing desk and groaned, throwing her pen onto her Neopian Times writing pad. She was fresh out of ideas.

by uberdancingdolphin
Potato Quest: Clash of the Clubs

The radical protector of extreme potatoes was walking through this magnificent land, looking around with amazement. "Dude! This place is always so awesome!" he yelled to himself.

by garfield22222

"Look, Hai, I don't know what's wrong with you..." she said, exasperated. "I swear, I'm just going to get it over with and paint you baby."

by the_lovely_plum
Maybelle's Great Battle

Maybelle, a pink Acara, was not the type you would expect to see training in the Neopia Central Battledome. No, you would think that she would be out spending her Saturday afternoon shopping...

by mango_mango101
The Greatest Usul Day

"You know, Usul Day is coming up. Laikania is incredibly picky about her food, as you well know. I doubt there's anything she would like more than a fancy dinner at Kelp in her honor."

by qwerfvtgb
Every Cloud

Cythesian, a small red Cybunny, has a horrid life. Can Lilly help out her friend in need?

by nirette
Bitter Memories

But sometimes letting go and forgiving is incredibly hard - especially when it comes to forgiving yourself.

by meggierules2129
Lessons and Memories

"It's snowing, Ma! It snowed last night for the first time!" She pointed at the window, jumping up and down with excitement.

by tooxie
Hannah's Hero

Hannah smiled to herself as she saw a rather large group of young pets wearing T-shirts with her face on it. She was pretty sure that she would win Hero of the Year Award.

by xcfiver
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GMC: Total Domination

Aristotle A. Avinroo, better known as AAA. He strikes fear in the eyes of non-game savvy Neopians, but can be laughed at by those with full trophy cabinets. AAA is a gamer, all right, and he doesn't mess around. Nothing gets in the way of a good game, and no Neopian is going to tell him they are better than he is. Anyway, enough about this AAA guy; let me give you some tips for mastering the Games Master Challenge. Here is some background information. In the past and most recently, the Games Master Challenge (GMC) has been split up into...

Other Stories


Enjoy this year's Usul Skiing Season
It's officially Usul Skiing Season!

by froopse


50 Things to do While You Wait for a New Plot Step
If you're an impatient person, this is the solution for you!

by greenleaf333


Mirror Mirror!: Part Three
"Why should I tell you anything else? You cruel, heartless, evil neopet, you do not deserve to learn anything else from me."

by booklover990


The Usuki Singing Stars #2: A Surprise for Lola - Part One
"I've been hinting about that dress all week," Sparkles whispered to Patricia, who was now joining Sparkles at the Mall window. "I hope I get it for Christmas!"

by downrightdude


The Roleplay Cafe: Zap!
...and she changes into a Blue Aisha!

by purrfect_cookie


Well, there's more than one way to surprise someone...

by umbreon133

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