There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 183,437,693 Issue: 474 | 17th day of Celebrating, Y12
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Short Stories

The Waffle Truth

"Trevy, we need to move," Trish announced...

by crovv
Another Day to Fish

Suddenly the shadow was no longer a shadow, but a titanic giant squid! Its eye came up and looked at me.

Also by icanhaskaila

by midnight_009

Baby Space Fungus

I heard him approach, pause for only a second before, and declare, "I think you missed some."

by spiderxmonkey

Opallo sat on the raft, gazing in horror at the ocean. He was a Jetsam, and he was master of his element. Until now...

by duskmoor
The Adventures of a P3

As Mootie began to snip once more at the tall stalks of grass, there was a sudden commotion nearby as a few soldiers rushed by, nearly knocking down a nester mootix. "What's going on?" Mootie asked, twitching his antennae nervously.

by ilovcanis
We Truly Were

Leaves rustled in the cool fall air. A whisper of despair calling out into the openness.

by nirette
Adventure to Roo Island by Prof. Milton Clodbottle

Greetings, everyone, Prof. Milton Clodbottle speaking.

by chromatique
Grandma's Prized Possession

"And this," Grandma said while she gently pulled a small ivory tea cup from the top shelf of an ancient wooden cabinet, "is my prized possession."

by backpack1110
The Reawakening of the MSPP

Now come on in, don't be afraid. 'Though, you probably should be. Oh well, nothing I could do about it now – they've seen you entering, so it's certainly too late now.

by nachtregen
Not all Stones are Silent

A thought about what the Darkest Faerie would say if she could see Xandra right now...

by hitsukineko
It All Started With a Love of Moss

Bagirmis loved terrariums because she loved moss. Her windowsill was lined with glass jars of various sizes, shapes, and colors.

by bittersweet52
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"Baby Space Fungus" by spiderxmonkey
"I read this book once—" I rolled my eyes at this and went back to work "—and this tiny piece of fungus attached itself to someone's shoe. And that person carried it back to Neopia. And it grew and grew to like this gigantic monster on Mystery Island, and they say that's why Geraptiku was deserted—and anyways, it almost took over the entire world. Just one piece. And look at all the fungi we're conveying!"

Other Stories


What to Do With a Pet That Hates Advent
We all either have that pet or know one who does; the pet that hates the month of advent, and more specifically, the day of giving.

by kita271


A Guide To Neopian Longevity
No one can say for sure what the future will hold for Neopia (though I think we all can easily imagine what we would want it to be like!), but there is one constant that is inevitable: getting older.

by lancebismine


The Case of the Missing Eye: Part Three
I had five suspects, with separate motives and opportunities.

by patt788


The Witching Hour: Part Three
Rosaline watched silently as Lillian filled a backpack with supplies for their journey.

by icy_catalyst


Starry Frowny Comics #2
That's odd... The service always used to be good...

by lutarilovesyou


Neon Light
How.... Is that possible.... D:

by kirenaia

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