A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 186,509,625 Issue: 507 | 12th day of Hiding, Y13
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Short Stories

The Dare

Don't look up, thought the watcher.

Sahrani looked up.

by i_heart_xweetoks

A Letter to the Public, by Princess Lunara

As most of you are well aware, my disappearance wreaked havoc all over Shenkuu.

by armed_neopians
Hero of the House

Xana ruffled his scruffy black hair and grinned cunningly. "I thought you wanted to be a superhero like Judge Hog or a famous Yooyuballer like me?"

by chimp_chicken_fish
Zana in the Summer

The early summer morning in Shenkuu would have been perfect but for the crying. Crying? My eyes shot open, suddenly fully awake. There shouldn't be crying! Not here in the tranquil academy.

by emily5martin
Confessions of an Orange Hasee

I'm ready to quit being the orange Hasee. I'm ready to move on to a better life, one where I can choose to eat more than just doughnutfruits...

by ronnied1994
A Breath of Fresh Air

Even immortals need to be reminded to breathe in, breathe out, and move on.

by toadsdontexist
How The Quintilc Got Its Colour

To learn about a land, one must go to it.

by laughingbear
Habitarium Adventures: A Pest-scapade

"Why d'ya always want to harvest grass?" a voice said. Berkeley turned and saw a Mootix approaching her.

by ezel68
A Contemplation on the Life of a Baby Pet

I wasn't always a baby, you know.

by fiddolin
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"The Dare" by i_heart_xweetoks
The red Xweetok crept forward until the gypsies sitting around the fire became visible. The watcher stared at the twig on the path as if trying to move it through sheer power of will. But the watcher's powers didn't extend that far, and the twig stayed put. The red Xweetok stepped on it, alerting the gypsies to her presence. Now the gypsies were beckoning to Sahrani. Don't go! thought the watcher. Don't...

Other Stories


Meepits and Feepits and Splatting Sock Sloths
Two of the most obnoxious and tedious flash games out there.

by rs_rbn


Proper Petpet Care
How to tell if an Abominable Snowball is right for you, the differences in the various colors, their habitat, food, and toys, along with tricks you can teach them and even the hazards of owning one.

by jayceedee


A Pirate Called Pudgywinks: Part Two
"Five-hundred dubloons!" Lertley cried. For a pretend trip on a ship that didn't even exist? He didn't even have one dubloon! The kid was out of his mind.

by uberdancingdolphin


Child of the Drenched: Part Two
"But I don't want to go back to the ocean yet! I haven't seen anything," Mara cried in protest.

by kristykimmy


Usuki Frenzy Finds Krawk Island- 2 out of 3
where planes are either nonexistent or invisible...

by natsha_pink


Feed Me!
It's my sister's birthday...

by tinypinkbow

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