A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 188,352,100 Issue: 533 | 17th day of Awakening, Y14
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Short Stories

Accused Again?

'Judge Hog stared at the Pant Devil! The Pant Devil saw Judge Hog! Both of their eyes met. They were standing face to face. It was a showdown! What happened next?'

by kitty_power_2298
All Pets Are Created Equal

Plynu's face fell.

"Boochi Buffer. Really?"

by keepfalling

The Packrat's Aftermath

The first thing I should tell you is that my owner is obsessed with everything.

by hendrik_micah
Inside the Great Desert Race

Honora's thoughts faded into... wait, could it be? All around her was golden sand and slithering Scamanders.

by nomyle
Letters to Rachel

You said you wanted bigger and better things, but what's bigger or better than your family?

by arty32097
The First Zap: Through the Eyes of One Who Was an Aisha

"I didn't get a raise. Sorry to rain on your parade. But you just might be able to get that new paint job," she says.

by alex37373

I didn't really care. She wasn't my problem.

by allison_kitty11
The Color Purple

I smile as I enter my new neohome for the first time, bearing great news for my neopets.

by chzhex
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Don't Be Eaten

If you're a Chia, know a Chia or know of Chias, you'll know the terror that they face on a daily basis. Other Neopets' cares revolve around not getting Sneezles, having more toys than their friends and winning the Beauty Contest, but Chias live in constant fear of being snatched up as a snack by a passing Lupe. It has long puzzled me why this is tolerated, but my attempts to contact the Defenders of Neopia for a quote on the issue failed. I did, however, receive a huge, hefty bag of neopoints the next day with an attached note saying 'be quiet'. I do hope that I'm typing this softly enough for my mysterious benefactor!

Other Stories


Krawk Island Tour Time!
Ahoy there! I be Yellerbeard, arr, ye can just call me Cap'n... arr, 'nd ye got me as yer guide today.

by lillifer


The Top 10 Rarest Items in Neopia
There are items so rare that the most you can ever hope to see of them is in your dreams. Let's take a look at some of them, shall we?

by dragonair23


Once a Scarab: Part Five
And all they had was this useless mirror. He muttered, "You'd think King Jazan could have given her some sort of magic weapon or something useful."

by saphira_27


The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part One
"What can I do for you?" she repeated, still patient as always. She could wait. The mad ones had the most to offer her.

by macana


Out of the Box

by redhare


too much effort
All it asked for is a little love...

by eugenie247

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