There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 195,817,072 Issue: 877 | 13th day of Gathering, Y21
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Short Stories

Learning to Fly

“What kind of Pteri can’t fly?”

by neo_kid_851
A Day in the Life of a Moffit

Molly the Moffit crawled underneath the dresser just as the sun started to rise. Stripes of sunlight came through the blinds and lit up the floor of Kimiko240’s room.

by goodsigns
Ferny and the Amazing Juiceland Adventure

Anyone who sees princess Fernypoo nowadays would never think that, one day, she was a sweet, kind and charming child. Her competitive personality and selfish behavior are due tom many things, including years of etiquette classes, constant pressure from her parents, and people reminding her that she will rule the kingdom one day.

in collaboration with _annefrank_ and mimy_fofinha

by _aragorn_

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"A Day in the Life of a Moffit " by goodsigns
Molly the Moffit crawled underneath the dresser just as the sun started to rise. Stripes of sunlight came through the blinds and lit up the floor of Kimiko240’s room. The Desert Aisha was still fast asleep, with Keke, her White Wadjet, curled up next to her. Molly wiggled her front legs at her Neopet and petpet companions. They didn’t notice, of course, still slumbering away, but Molly felt they would be aware of her affection even in their dreams. And she would check on them, later in the day when they were awake. Molly herself was nocturnal, as all Moffits are, and even though Kimiko and Keke’s day had not yet started, hers was just ending.

Other Stories


A Neopian Story
Biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, diaries… they all provide the most valuable lessons in life. Neopians who publish their stories usually have an interesting story to tell about their ordeals and what they’ve learned from all of it.

by sessduh


Petpet Rescue: An Avatar Collector's Guide
In this article series, I will share the strategies I used to reach the avatar score for various flash games. I wanted to start with Petpet Rescue, because while it is challenging, the score can be achieved without relying on significant luck.

by costumely


The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part Eleven
“Carefully, set him down right here,” Lumin spoke with both urgency and composure.

by blueys45


The Book of the Twelve:Part Three
In the ancient days before Queen Fyora ascended to the throne of Faerieland, the Faeries fought each other in the skies of Neopia. As such, the clouds were often stained black with their magic, and sunlight was hard to find.

by herdygerdy


The Black / White Comics (Volume 2)

by _x_bjork_x_


Neo Meme

Idea by relocating!

by butterflybandage

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