Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 187,881,945 Issue: 519 | 4th day of Storing, Y13
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Here are your badges." Norman handed the Meepits each a small plastic card. "These will keep you two from harming the fabric of reality when breaking the Fourth Wall."

Useless School Supplies

The Neopian School Supplies shop is still open for business, and perhaps for this same reason, and with the absence of competition, it keeps coming up with crazy inventions that no one seems to be able to use when going to school; inventions that are impractical, or just for show, and sometimes plain weird and creepy. I set up camp near the Shop for three days - despite the continuous...

Your Side Account

What else could we do with our side accounts? That's the question which this article will answer in the form of challenges and hopefully will encourage Neopians to care and maintain their side accounts just as they do their main Neopets account. However, before we proceed, there is one rule of thumb about what you should NOT do on your side account: EARN NP FROM IT...

What Your SDB Says About You!

Whenever we have extra items that we don't need or if we're too attached to discard them, we all chuck them off into our Safety Deposit Boxes. The ever-lasting SDB is the Neopian way of thwarting the Pant Devil and Grundo Leader, for collectors and the standard player alike! Here's a list of what the items in your SDB say about you. Mostly food- With 407 food items in my SDB, I definitely fall under this category. If your SDB is filled with...

Other Stories
"Two Sides to Every Story" by danneq
What's it matter to you, anyway? It happened years ago, it's not like it's—Okay, okay, fine. Yeah, I was there. I was one of the guards on duty the night Valrigard broke out. What of it? No, I will not answer a few questions. And keep your voice down, will you? We all got in some deep trouble over that...

"Neopian Story Time: Elephante Dreams" by ilovemycatembers
Pundaberry didn't want to be an Elephante, he wanted to be an Aisha, or brave Lupe. Instead he was stuck as a big useless Elephante that nobody loved... or so he thought... For as long as he could remember, Pundaberry had been living in the Pound. There might have been a time when...

"The Geraptiku Two" by virtuosoe
Terrible luck here in Mystery Island? I would have appreciated it if it were the Ice Caves or Maraqua, but my home? I looked over to Sivus before we got on our makeshift raft that we'd had ever since Leven had given us permission to leave the main island. Sivus was looking at me and smiling dubiously...

Slorg Removers Wanted

This week's issue is brought to you by: Slorgs in Space
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The Secret Behind the Wishing Well Avatar

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Avatar Adventures!
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Cloud Flute: Part Four
By now the sun had almost disappeared and the sky was growing dark. Laerya grinned with triumph as she saw a huge field stretch before her – they had made it to the Endless Plains.

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