Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 189,520,066 Issue: 555 | 27th day of Swimming, Y14
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"It will be a struggle, of course," Tobik answered. "But I shall soldier through. It is the least I can do."

Tobik, of course, had more than enough money to refurnish her home and blow a few million on hats – her idea of lean spending was gold leaf instead of gold brick.

Meridell Fashions

As you set off down the woodland path out of Neopia Central at the end of the month of Swimming, you cannot help but feel a certain excitement in the air. Your fellow travelers are adorned with brilliant blue, red, and yellow garments, and in the distance you can hear a merry flute accompanied by the strumming of a lute and the regal boom of horns. At last...

Grarrls: Underrated

For any frequent pound chatter, trading Grarrls, no matter how elusive their color is, can be a nightmare. Polls on the pound chat that ask, "Which Neopet do you dislike the most?" often elicit the Grarrl as a common response. Common reasons include, "Grarrls are hard to customize!"; "Their teeth are too sharp!"; and "One of them accidentally ate my Everlasting...

Finding The Perfect Name

Whether you're interested in trading, character building, or just finding something you like, naming your neopets is an important and ever-increasingly difficult aspect of Neopia. While it's no longer so easy to find that perfect name for your future pet, it's still very possible! Hopefully this little article will shed some light on the various factors on what makes a good name, as well as tips for you to use on searching untaken names yourself!

Other Stories
"The Beginning" by graveyardcandyapple
The sky over Neovia appeared to be perpetually gray. Theolounious Scrivenger glanced up at the cloud-filled expanse overhead for a mere moment before proceeding to the front door of his shop, pulling his keys out of the pocket of his light-brown jacket as he did so. He sighed lightly as he unlocked the door and let himself in. He flicked on the lights and left the door open to allow the chilled air from outside to seep in. Theo headed for the counter...

"Hero of Shenkuu" by encroached
Becoming the Empress of Shenkuu was surprisingly—that is, almost disappointingly—easy. The residents needed a ruler, and the choices were few. I had the best interests of the people in mind, and my appearance as a Royalgirl Shoyru fit the role perfectly. An overwhelming majority of the Neopets of Shenkuu chose me as their leader, and awarded me with the highest floor of the Lunar Temple from which to conduct my royal rulings...

"Ever Higher" by kittengriffin
Set stared out the window beside her desk. Central's skyscrapers reached up past and around her, steel and glass shining in the afternoon light. The school-day was almost over. As soon as this class was over she'd be able to go home. The blue Xweetok glanced at the teacher, an elderly Bori with fiery designs on his ashen fur. Mr. Elm was still droning on about the Council Age, one of the more boring topics. It immediately preceded Sloth's current reign...

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Great stories!


Finding The Perfect Name For Your New Pet
While it's no longer so easy to find that perfect name for your future pet, it's still very possible!

by smokyautumn


Of Happy Valley and Trees in Terror Mountain
"Jazan, it'll be a nice vacation!" Nabile pleaded, giving her husband puppy-dog eyes.

by meadows_lark


Sassi Comics: The Hostage
Keep sweeping!

by seiya_from_ashes


WWWWW-Y! Something has Happened!
Not the best welcome to Premium...

by brutalwolf


A House Divided Cannot Stand: Part Six
"Dragon's gone to Neopia Central," Moondatta blurted. "Since she can't abandon you, she wants to put Tatsu in the Pound instead!"

by dragon_soul__

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