Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 192,587,388 Issue: 653 | 11th day of Swimming, Y16
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Instead of stuffing your pet full of eggy, boring omelette, you could treat them like royalty: a Tureen of Olives, a basket of Altadorian Bread, and a Hero Gyro for just about 15 neopoints.

Survive Krawk Island

This year it's time to bring out the buccaneer in you. Yes, you! Krawk Island is a pirate paradise and even referred to as a "lawless harbour," yet the intrigue of savouring specialties at The Golden Dubloon or training at The Academy has attracted many folk from all over Neopia. So pack your compass, cutlass and dubloons: begin your swashbuckling adventure the right way. This is for the adventurer...

Altador's Forgotten Gem

Chariot Chase is quite unique and definitely worth a visit. If you have what it takes you might even leave with one of its most sought-after souvenirs, the gold trophy. Now I'm not here to make you drool over the thought of adding this exceptional trophy to your collection, but rather to give you some tips on how to achieve it. So first of all, what is the game all about? It's an infinitely long game on an infinity shaped racing track...

Snowbeast Snackrifice

So you were strolling through Terror Mountain (or, er, the Games room) and stumbled across Snowbeast Snackrifice, and after a couple of attempts, you're baffled about how the game works and/or how to get a high score? Never fear! Below you'll find a complete guide to Snowbeast Snackrifice that will hopefully shed light on this commonly misunderstood game and help you on your way to a trophy...

Other Stories
"Pay It Forward" by jarm9
Indamira generally did not like shopping. She especially did not like shopping trips. She did not like shopping trips and yet, here she was, on a shopping trip. Her owner was so the worst. "Mama, I want to go home," the Christmas Cybunny said...

"The Story of a Plushie" by reiqua
When I was made, I was a blue Grundo plushie. Just a simple plushie. Most people don't think much of Grundos, especially not in such a boring colour as blue. But I didn't mind. Grundos are a pretty good shape. And blue's a pretty nice colour...

"Drawing" by goodsigns
As he was applying some purple to the edges of the sky, a Scriblet climbed onto his shoulder, its antennae twitching as it studied the drawing. Quite suddenly, it leapt into the air, its blue-and-red beetle wings buzzing, aiming for the canvas...

What's Your Dream?

This week's issue is brought to you by: Dreaming in July Neopet Giveaway
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Slush: Petrifaction?
Woodland pets can easily become...

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Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Ten
"Don't change topics on me, Setarian. I know what you are doing."

Hearing his real name seemed almost unnatural. It took a few seconds to regain his composure.

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Don't Trip! Read These First!
If you are heading out for the weekend or a long trip that will take you weeks or even months before you return home, it's a great idea to plan ahead with at least a book or three...

by princess_daisy186


The Great and Wonderful Kauvara
An Interview with the Owner of the Neopian Magic Shop

by mithos__


Hannah, Brynn, and Nabile and We Hate Hanso Club 2: Part One
An Usul with flowing brown hair and a swinging green skirt was running down the hall being pursued by half a dozen guards. She did a front handspring and then slid on her knees, stopping just in front of Nabile...

by kristykimmy

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