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Hunt for Cadima: Part One

by cruzerchic123


Author's Note: After all those comments on the story "Cadima The Uni: Island Princess", I decided to make a sequel continuing to that. But this time it's a series. Some people may read this, and say to themselves, "Cadima went through all of this? This is soooo cool!" Others may be going right now, "Huh, I don't really get this." If you're one of those people who don't get it, I suggest you try reading "Cadima the Uni: Island Princess".

Well, anyway, enjoy reading "Hunt for Cadima"!

* * * * * * * *

A radiant Island Uni sat on the coastal beach of Mystery Island, watching the sun set, her green hair covered in berries and wildflowers flating wistfully in the breeze. The sea glittered wistfully in the sun; the bird-like Petpets chirped in their trees, the Catamaras and Scados swam, looking for food to eat. The Island Uni gently stroked a Catamara's back while looking over the beautiful Mystery Island. It was when she saw a distant Pawkeet flying back did Cadima the Island Princess focus her attention to it.

Cadima held her breath as she saw Terakee the Yellow Pawkeet fly back. Cadima was looking for her best Island Shoyru friend Koro, who's gone off again somewhere. She had asked Jiri the Island Kacheek if she could borrow her Pawkeet Terakee, who was just painted a few days ago.

"Did you find him, Terakee?" Cadima questioned as she lifted a hoof for the Pawkeet to perch on. Terakee sighed and shook her head. "Rats," Cadima replied as she gently set Terakee down on the sand. It was like Koro to disappear once in a while, but not at sundown.

A satiki-isledi worries over her friends dearly. Cadima was no ordinary Uni, she was one of these satiki-isledis, an Island Princess. Ever since she went to Mystery Island, she had met some great friends, Jiri the Island Kacheek, Juk the Coconut Jubjub, and Koro the Island Shoyru. She had more, but these were her best friends.

Before at her old Neoschool, a Purple Poogle and a Faerie Zafara used to tease and mock Cadima. Her Acara teacher, Mrs. Whitney, used to fall for the duo's lies that came out of their mouths all the time. This made Cadima's life miserable, and every day the duo of troublemakers kept teasing Cadima constantly, no matter what she does.

Then there was that time where Mrs. Whitney announced the class was going to Mystery Island. After they arrived there, however, Cadima was attacked by strange visions. She didn't know where the visions came from, though. The Island Faerie Jhuidah told her that her visions came from her heart, but somehow the Island Uni thought that they came from something more important.

At Mystery Island Cadima met the Island Shoyru Koro, one of her best friends. She also met Jiri the Island Kacheek, Juk the Wise Coconut Jubjub and the famous Island Faerie Jhuidah. It was a never-to-forget experience.

Then Jhuidah sent Cadima a special vision: that Cadima was the Island Princess. That Faerie knew almost everything! After that Cadima had the courage to stand up to the Poogle and Zafara and save her friends and herself. It was then Cadima knew she had to stay in her real home, Mystery Island.

Cadima had a sister too, Melissa the Yellow Peophin. Melissa was a very fashionable Peophin, and would always complain to Cadima if the last lipstick was gone. But then Melissa was smart; she won a "Better than You!" contest once. It seemed as though Jiri and Melissa never got along, though. She laughed when she recalled the time Melissa had moved to Mystery Island and her sister and Jiri were arguing where to put the furniture, the first piece!

Cadima sighed while thinking about that adventure. Ever since then did she have many duties; she made sure no one got injured badly; no one betrayed the island. It was pretty hard work, but after all those duties Cadima relaxed and enjoyed Mystery Island. Besides, it was peaceful here, Cadima thought. Why would I ever want to move back?

Terakee squawked hungrily. "Yes, Terakee, I'll get you something to eat," Cadima said as she plucked a berry from a bush. She tossed it at Terakee, who caught it in her mouth. The Pawkeet began to chew happily, then flew to the bush and began plucking some herself.

Just then Cadima heard a strange rustling sound behind her. She spun around to see if it was Koro, but all she saw was a bush with several berries. Cadima shrugged, then turned back around. She then saw a flying figure with dragon-like wings. Koro, perhaps? As she squinted, Cadima saw that it was Koro. Her heart pounded. Finally, she thought.

It was at that moment a dark shadow loomed over Cadima. Cadima frowned, then gasped as she was slapped across the face. She whirled around again and screamed as a huge, dark figure grabbed her and ran. Terakee began to squawk, but just then the figure threw a net at Terakee, trapping the poor Pawkeet in the net. The figure then laughed evilly and ran off with Cadima, who was screaming and gasping and struggling to go free of the kidnapper's grasp. Finally she had no choice but to call for help.

* * * * * * *

"KORO!" a frantic shriek cried out. Many bird-like Petpets flew everywhere as the Island Shoyru turned to the direction he heard the scream. It was then that he saw Jiri's Pawkeet Terakee trapped in a net.

"Terakee?" he asked the Pawkeet as he freed Terakee from the net. Suddenly Terakee began squawking like mad as she began flying in the direction of the cry for help.

And then Koro gasped as he noticed a blue wildflower near the net where Terakee was caught in.

"CADIMA!" Koro cried as he tore into the bushes where Terakee was flying over. "Where are you?! Cadima?!"

"Koro! Help!" came the frantic call of Cadima from the left of the forestry. Koro, who had a good sense of hearing, took a sharp turn and raced through the Tiki Forest of palm trees.

He then caught sight of a gold glistening horn, finished with Cadima. A strange black figure was holding onto her.

"Koro, get help! I -" Cadima began, but just then the figure's hand slapped Cadima across the face, and Cadima became weak with unconsciousness. With that the figure tore off again, carrying a helpless Cadima with it.

"Hey! Let her go!" Koro cried as he began homing after the kidnapper. After a while he stopped. He didn't hear the kidnapper. He tried tilting his head towards the bushes and brambles. No reply. "Hello? Is anyone there, especially you, kidnapper?!" Koro seethed angrily. He looked around. No one was there, but that made it a bit more suspicious.

It seemed as though Cadima had regained consciousness, because her voice rung out in the forest. "Koro, look out!" Cadima cried, but just when Koro turned around did everything turn spinning black around him.

* * * * * * *

"Koro? Koro?! KORO!" cried a voice. Koro screamed and stood up. He was face to face with Jiri and Juk, along with Terakee perched on Jiri's shoulders.

"You're back among the living," Jiri teased, then her face became serious and she asked, "Where's Cadima?"

Koro gulped. "Cadima is," he began, but couldn't finish what he wanted to say. If he did, many would panic on Mystery Island. The locals relied on Cadima to watch over them, and if they heard she was kidnapped, they would all go frantic and chaos would erupt like before!

"Well?" Jiri asked impatiently, putting her paws on her hips.

Koro held his breath. "Cadima is, hey, what's that?" Koro asked suddenly, pointing to a piece of paper on the ground.

Jiri reached for it, but Koro made a frantic dive for the paper and flew high in the sky so he could read it to himself. He had a hunch that it was about Cadima, and he was right as he read the note. His heart skipped a beat and he almost fell to the ground however when he was done reading.

It was a ransom note. As Koro read the words sweat dripped from his face.

I have your precious satiki-isledi. If you want her back, then you must find me before the sacrificial full moon. To have her back, you must bring me the Sacred Tiki Amulet, NOT a normal Tiki Amulet, at least 90,000 NP in pure cash, and your soul.

If you do not give me all of that by the full moon, then your future tamuru-tiki-isledi (Island Queen) will be the one sacrificed.

To be continued...

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Other Episodes

» Hunt for Cadima: Part Two
» Hunt for Cadima: Part Three
» Hunt for Cadima: Part Four

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