A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 118,491,560 Issue: 238 | 5th day of Hunting, Y8
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Hungry Grarrl

by houndourka

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The Orphan and the Beast: Part Two
“Leah, stop!” he whispered hoarsely, but the Wocky didn’t seem to notice him. She moved quietly forward as if in a daze, her footsteps soft and her eyes fixed upon the strange entity...

by sarahleeadvent


Zeh Cute One:// Cry of the Xweetok
"We often let out a battle cry of 'chirka! chirka! chirka!' before rushing at our opponent."

Idea by drewcr2525

by glowing_banana


Broken Dreams
I remember one time when it wasn't that way. When it was just me, just me and Mom…

by aikomizu92


The Five Sacred Stones of Geraptiku: Part Three
I suddenly had a vision of me discovering what happened, and even changing it. I could change the past and affect the future. I could save Geraptiku and preserve it for centuries to come...

by dan4884

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