Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 118,491,560 Issue: 238 | 5th day of Hunting, Y8
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Boochi Attacks!

by littlemisskirby

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A Gift From the Doomed
"We really don't have too much of a choice, ZuBuxu. The Ferryman's last boat ride of the week is tonight..."

by xxnekoninjaxx


Broken Dreams
I remember one time when it wasn't that way. When it was just me, just me and Mom…

by aikomizu92


Kayla Lovers Unite!
Move over, Kauvara and Edna… there’s a new witch in town… Kayla! With her passion for chemistry you’ll never know what’s bubbling (or exploding) in her potion shop!

by ellen1117


What? I see no 'Natural Talent'...

by sharkies

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