Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 118,491,560 Issue: 238 | 5th day of Hunting, Y8
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Sloth's Evil Master Plan

by dark_exodia88

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What You Do or Don't Know About Stan
He is caring and sympathetic, and does try to help people, as long as it doesn't involve giving away; for obvious reasons he doesn't like to share his items.

by my2nyour2


"Say what?"

Also by kevinneo1328

by leeloo18


The Many Uses of Plot - Altador
Since the Altador plot started at the end of March, many people have made the Altador Plot Board their third Neohome (Altador itself is their second; those darn clues are getting harder and harder to find), myself included...

by dark_goddess_rising


Land of Pacman
*drools* Now all we need is custard!

by pacmanite

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