A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 169,514,957 Issue: 284 | 23rd day of Running, Y9
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by cardquestmanager

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Legacy of Ice: Part One
The sand under her feet was burning her delicate paws and the sun over her head was relentlessly heating her back. This was nothing like her home, where the sun above was cool, only providing light, and a soft white carpet was always underfoot...

by wascoolest123


Master Plan?
Here we go again.....

by celrbubbles


Define Idiocy
Word of advice, take a solid pet to the temple.

by darkness1300


The Ghost of Meridell: Part Two
All there was to do was watch the older squires train and try their best to beat whoever they were sparring with. One blue Lupe in particular had caught her attention...

by kt_fox

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