Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 169,514,957 Issue: 284 | 23rd day of Running, Y9
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New Series

Guardian: Part One

Sage went over to the door and looked out. There, a baby green Shoyru was looking at a Buzzer as it flew around her head. "Ah, always getting into trouble," Sage said affectionately...

by kaylamdal111112
Legacy of Ice: Part One

The sand under her feet was burning her delicate paws and the sun over her head was relentlessly heating her back. This was nothing like her home, where the sun above was cool, only providing light, and a soft white carpet was always underfoot...

by wascoolest123
The Shadows: Part One

I cannot write long for I have no more security in this world we call Neopia. Where you see light, I see only the shadows that taunt me. I am not safe. I am only writing as much as I can so I can help you understand, so that maybe all this can be stopped...

by jelleyfrosting
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"Guardian of the Lagoon" by sybaris
The little Mutant Scorchio had been ever so excited when his family had moved to the beautiful land of Shenkuu, more so than even his bright sister, La Melusine, who was a blue Shoyru of many personalities. She had always been very enthusiastic about moving, for she had never liked living in the noisy city of Neopia Central, with all the business...

Other Stories


Ice hung from the mouths of caverns, ice floated and bobbed on the surface of the gale-haunted sea. It was a glistening white paradise of a homeworld...

by rainbow_daydreamer


Frosted Wings
The cheery crackle of a fire was the first thing she heard as Blyzzarr regained consciousness. She opened her eyes and confirmed that there was indeed a fire blazing. Then she noticed that she wasn't alone...

by siennacat13


How to Be a Rich Neopian Without Doing Anything
This guide is a little different. It explains how to be a passively rich Neopian. It is possible to break a million neopoints without playing games all day long. That's what we all want, isn't it?

by neesboy


The Neovian Gazetteer
A look at Neovia...

by purple_girl253


Bowl of Rice #1
You're in BIG trouble!

by jazminz3p


The trouble of baby pets...!!

by louise_the_zero

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