Meow Circulation: 169,514,957 Issue: 284 | 23rd day of Running, Y9
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Gelert Days

by xxx_tayler_rox_xxx

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Spheres of Influence: Part Three
"He went down there alone?" she asked. "Doesn't he know anything about caves? He's never been here before. He could get lost down there..."

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Vanity: Part Four
"I can see why you're winning so many votes in the beauty contest. If I may say so, you're a very charming young lady..."

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Bowl of Rice #1
You're in BIG trouble!

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Successful Beauty Contest Entries and Advertising
There are certain techniques you can use to make your Beauty Contest entry stand out apart from the rest, so people will be more willing to look at your pictures.

by mysticalhorsesguild

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