Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 177,384,889 Issue: 314 | 19th day of Collecting, Y9
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Ready, Set, TREND!

by xoxo_card

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Blatant Ridiculousness
...It could be worse.

by highlordofpenguins


New to Neopia
Little did I know that I was holding a Faerie paintbrush, that I was a green Zafara, I was in Neopia, and was rolling straight for the Rainbow Pool...

by lenaru_dragon


The Ties That Bind: Part One
Mel the yellow Usul never thought she'd hear from her old best friend ever again. Yet, yesterday when she had been sent out to get the mail...

by sytra


Hugs By The Hundreds
"We should sell something," said Sable...

by sugarbarbiedoll_x3

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