The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 177,384,889 Issue: 314 | 19th day of Collecting, Y9
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Short Stories

The Shenkuu Teahouse

"Open a restaurant?" Emperor Basdin was shocked and horrified. "My dear daughter, you are a princess! How could you ever think of such a thing?"

by concertogreat_8
Lumos the Hero

Lumos knew that it was the end of the topic. He was very upset. But he decided to go to the Turdle races anyway...

by mermaid_leo
New to Neopia

Little did I know that I was holding a Faerie paintbrush, that I was a green Zafara, I was in Neopia, and was rolling straight for the Rainbow Pool...

by lenaru_dragon
Hugs By The Hundreds

"We should sell something," said Sable...

by sugarbarbiedoll_x3
A Change of Name

I'm a lab rat. Nobody knows my true name. With every look, I change my name...

by eternal_flame_5
Treasure of the Heart

"Aye," replied the Kyrii. "I've come across this before, but only once. It's a trap for tomb raiders..."

by puffpastry654
Losing My Sister

"No, Halnora," she said. "I don't want to fly today..."

by dragongirl860
Kauvara's Magic Camp

This year, Mom had a surprise for me. After school finished for the summer, she sent me to Magic Camp for the summer...

by josee225
Time Tourists

"That experiment would have worked if you hadn't stopped me," he replied. "Anyway, look at my newest invention..."

by ashflash
Elephy the Great

He saw the Emperor's royal messenger cart coming. He knew this was not a good sign. What if the emperor had decided he would be coming sooner than planned?

by jason701266
A Story

Not many Neopians know this, but at night, the gnomes come alive. Yes, you read right. THEY'RE ALIIIIIIVE!

by birdinggal
Wingless: A Story of Determination

Christianna had always been envious of her brother's wings. He could fly circles around her...

by saphirelover400
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"The Challenge" by kandeegrrl
"I don't know about you two," said Torch, "but I'll be fine if we don't have any more missions for a while. I mean, seriously, some missing meowclopses turns into an attempt at a kingdom wide takeover. I can see it now; we'll be getting a report in a few days from a whinny farm, and have some other huge conspiracy..."

Other Stories


Paint Brushes: Neopia's Top 10
I embarked on a quest to seek out which of these Paint Brushes the general public found the most appealing as an item...

by shaddykins


Princess Lunara - Kidnapped or Hiding?
I have uncovered a devastating secret; it would change life as we know it on Neopia.

by i_love_mynci_1309


Marketplace of Memories: Part Two
I tried to scream, to hold her back, to tell her in any way I could that the pet at the door was not her little sister. My efforts were in vain. Brushing her dusky-blue fringe from her eyes she placed a paw on the handle and pulled open the door...

by yatomiyuka


The Ties That Bind: Part One
Mel the yellow Usul never thought she'd hear from her old best friend ever again. Yet, yesterday when she had been sent out to get the mail...

by sytra


A Sponge Pet is Useful When...
Never ever use a Sponge pet to...

by eternalxdestruction


Mugbe's Mugbe
It does look like a bowling ball pin- honestly.

Also by dogensword

by busillis

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