Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 177,384,889 Issue: 314 | 19th day of Collecting, Y9
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New Series

A Spy's Tale: New Life - Part One

"Hey, thief!" the Lupe shouted. "Come on, Leon, after him!" The pair unsheathed their swords and dashed off towards the alley...

by allo_allo_numa
The Challenge: Part One

At the moment, he was looking for his two friends. He had just been released from the hospital to hear that neither Flame nor Torch were present in the castle...

by kandeegrrl
The Ties That Bind: Part One

Mel the yellow Usul never thought she'd hear from her old best friend ever again. Yet, yesterday when she had been sent out to get the mail...

by sytra
Dance of the Meepits: The Neovian Attack - Part One

Halloween. The day where Meepits could dance to their hearts' content, as if they were planning to dominate Neopia within the next minute...

by jockylocky
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Advertisements Attack

Sloth's amazed; never before has clicking randomly been fun as this! Millions of people are going to play this game; and he wants to cash in. Welcome to Advert Attack; the game where you guide Ace Zafara to the finish line before time runs out; and simultaneously, you'll be slogged with hundreds of ads to block your progress. It's going to be a bumpy ride...

Other Stories


Hugs By The Hundreds
"We should sell something," said Sable...

by sugarbarbiedoll_x3


Treasure of the Heart
"Aye," replied the Kyrii. "I've come across this before, but only once. It's a trap for tomb raiders..."

by puffpastry654


Paint Brushes: Neopia's Top 10
I embarked on a quest to seek out which of these Paint Brushes the general public found the most appealing as an item...

by shaddykins


Advertisements Attack: Amazing Ace Assaults Ads!
Sloth wants to profit off the game, however, so not every level is going to be as simple as clicking "Go!" buttons. He'll bombard each level after the first with numerous pop-ups advertising his devious and malicious products.

by spongebob234529


The Origin of Meepit vs. Feepit

by kool318


Ever had that feeling that you're being followed?

by brag

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