There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 188,752,736 Issue: 541 | 20th day of Eating, Y14
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~Poor Tales~

by dale08100

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The Goofers
GAH! It's a monster! ...again.

by lintsuf


Deadly Dice
Why Brynn and Hanso did not join the search for King Roo.

by usulblue444


Why MAGAX Should Be In A Plot
When I first saw the Faeries' Ruin plot, and discovered the chapter where it was stated that Hubrid Nox caused the Faeries to turn to stone, my initial reaction was, "YES!! FINALLY!!! MAGAX WILL PROBABLY GET INVOLVED!!!"

by kila__94


TeaParty: Glasses
Pick out a pair you like.

by thegoddesofxweetok1

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