A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 188,752,736 Issue: 541 | 20th day of Eating, Y14
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New Series

A Place in the Country: Part One

"Oh, Mr. Jennings!" she said. "I am so excessively glad you could attend!"

Jennings smiled in response; he didn't think there was a part of the room that wasn't excessive in some form.

by herdygerdy

Greenglade: Part One

Laerya and Akorri had been traveling together for several days now. Lae, the Cybunny, had recently started learning magic โ€“ she'd taken an interest in the element of light, but her ability was limited.

by aquadaika
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All Those Negg Stems

As the 2014 Festival of Neggs draws to a close, a single question is on everybody's mind. That is, once all of the pets in Neopia have had their share of chocolate neggs, cookie neggs, maple syrup neggs, and countless other varieties of neggy delicacies, what happens to all of those poor, neglected negg stems?! What's that you say? That question has never come to your mind? Well, it has come to everyone else's mind...

Other Stories


A Krawk Tale
By candlelight at night, she would sit and read through her various books about the different lands, dreaming of the day when she could go and explore them...

by jeancgirl


Effistella the Perfect
The first of many stories about Eff and Dodo. :]

by dorotheasansa


Lovely Outfits for Lutari Day
Never fear, Lutari owners and customizers, for there are a number of fashionable outfits that are Lutari specific and range across different styles for every Lutari personality type and color.

by sychologist


How to Use the Six Icons
I've found that a lot of the owners don't know anything about Icons โ€“ much like me before โ€“ even the ones who enjoy battling. So I've decided to make an article about the most basic things of battling, the six Icons.

by starluffy


Sarriva, Cuiqui and Ornah- SCO! Holly? Scoh. Scoh!
Yeah, three Wockies! Woooohooo!

by neohappy123


Saly's Club: Being Mean
I knew it all along!

by djudju22_8

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