Meow Circulation: 188,752,736 Issue: 541 | 20th day of Eating, Y14
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Continued Series

The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part Nine

Jazan suddenly sat up and looked to the left of the pass. There, tucked away in the snow was a building, but it was unlike anything found in Qasala or Sakhmet...

by macana
Infinity: Part Eight


It was Wingen's voice, but Flicker couldn't find him anywhere in the room. But he flinched at what he did see: A small stack of papers floating in mid-air.

by blueys45

The Painter: Part Two

Mostly, other than maids stopping to give her food, she was left alone, which suited her just fine. Every morning, she would wake up from her peach toned bed with white rustling silken sheets, and she would watch the sunrise. It would inspire her, and then, she would stray to the paints that lined her wall.

by rrooaarrrr
Baby Adventures: The Secret Note - Part Eight

"I believe Jhudora alone knows where they are," Fyora told her.

by cloudpuffpuff
A Second Chance: Part Six

Jane still fought hard against the tide, somehow managing to keep her head above water for long intervals of time. A ship on the horizon was her only sanctuary and salvation...

by rachelray179
The Cenoal Chapters: Duties Reclaimed - Part Five

The city had lost its glow, the walls stained by the blackened ashes of fire. Billowing clouds of smoke rose into the afternoon sky...

by kathleen_kate
A Legend Begins Again: Part Four

He hated having to run off from Jacques like that, but what choice did he have? He had to keep his friends from harm somehow...

by medit92
Things Best Remembered: Part Four

Atlanta high-fived him, grinning. "That's the best idea you've had in a long time, Gareth," she said. He wasn't quite sure whether he was supposed to be offended at that.

by chimie119
The Scarab and the Sea: Part Two

Jaryth hit his head against the table repeatedly. "He convinced the captain to leave without us? How in Nuria's name..."

by saphira_27
Out of the Shadows: Part Three

He jolted his head up and stared at her blankly, then followed her terrified gaze to his paw, which was slowly emptying a bottle of Essence of Everlasting Apple into the bubbling brew. He immediately jerked his paw, and the bottle skittered over the desk...

by rachelindea
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Lovely Lutari Outfits

You wouldn't want your Lutari living all alone out in the wilderness of Neopia. Now that you have such a special and coveted Neopet, you might be wondering "how in the world am I going to be able to dress my Lutari?" Never fear, Lutari owners and customizers, for there are a number of fashionable outfits that are Lutari specific and range across different styles for every Lutari personality type and color...

Other Stories


A Krawk Tale
By candlelight at night, she would sit and read through her various books about the different lands, dreaming of the day when she could go and explore them...

by jeancgirl


The Edge of the World
"Who's they? And who's Dr. Sloth? And what's Neopia?" Tinost said, echoing my own confusion.

Lapnia stared at us. "Are you two for real?"

by emrozi


What To Do With All Those Negg Stems?!
All the neggs are gone, but the stems remain...

by valikthebuilder


Lovely Outfits for Lutari Day
Never fear, Lutari owners and customizers, for there are a number of fashionable outfits that are Lutari specific and range across different styles for every Lutari personality type and color.

by sychologist


Money Trail 2/2
Oh Em Gee, I'm M.S.P~ [& so, the Island Mystic shall have his way]

by shamaela


~Poor Tales~
If only Jelly World were real...

by dale08100

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