Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 191,527,704 Issue: 609 | 22nd day of Hiding, Y15
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by _stars_of_chaos_

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Heroes of the Habitarium: Part Four
"I found something!" yelled Colston. Kendra and Brett peered over their stacks of books and paper, then scrambled over to Colston, who was holding up a small, worn book triumphantly.

by blue_thunder94


The Ascension of Dr. Hannah Stevens
"Dr. Stevens? Can you hear me?" Gordy's voice fizzled in her ear, and Hannah pressed a paw against it to block out the howling winds...

by treihaven


Pystry's Elemental Odyssey: Part Five
"I feel like I finally have a handle on this Master Quest." He lifted his magic Pandaphant Doll and shook it gently, feeling the increased heft as it jingled with two hundred jelly beans.

by peirigill


Customization: How to Make YOUR Pet Fabulous!
Because well-dressed pets are happy pets!

by hamzandrilez

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