There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 191,527,704 Issue: 609 | 22nd day of Hiding, Y15
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6 Ways to Defy Dr. Sloth

My fellow Neopians! The time has come for us to stand up for ourselves and fight back against the evil Dr. Sloth!

by xxkatiexx_07
Mutant Kacheeks: A Mutant Day Anatomical Debate

Since I so happen to be the proud owner of a Mutant Kacheek, we shall be focusing on the various mutations in the Kacheek population, as well as receiving information from my pet himself.

by waaurufu
The Quest for a KQ Accomplice

Is there more to the tokens than meets the eye?

by emziie
How to Stop Annoying Customers

Whether or not your shop is your main source of income, you can learn how avoid annoying potential customers. All it takes is a little time and common sense.

by streamergurl
5 Reasons to Adopt a Mutant Neopet

I'm here to tell you why you - yes, you, don't go turning away just yet! - why you should adopt one of the lovable little freaks of Neopian nature.

by kitteh_love_forever
Customization: How to Make YOUR Pet Fabulous!

Because well-dressed pets are happy pets!

by hamzandrilez
Caves And Corridors: An Explorer's Guide

Mystery Island is home to countless tribes, exotic petpets, and dangerous places for a budding treasure hunter to visit. You play as Jake, an explorer who has been through countless trials to reach his level of expertise of exploring.

by magmadude18
Anthology of Evil - Neopia's Rogues' Gallery

While Neopia is supposedly a peaceful, happy planet, there are many evil beings...

by mecha_fang
Mutant Pets and You

Everything you'd ever need to know about Neopia's most marvelous population... Mutant Pets.

by tyuio_k50
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"The Lost Toy Collector" by iwanted
Sloth, she wrote in her notepad. Missing black jacket, abrasions on the torso, fragment from the right arm missing. Arms, neck, and legs function properly. Swihart had once liked knowing about the lives of toys. Stories once mattered, but now this toy was a specimen. She hated that...

Other Stories


Daily Dare Chronicles
Dedicated to every Daily Darer in Neopia.

by jennyluo45678


The Lost Toy Collector
The toy was recognizable by its eye color and the spindly hairs on its head– this was a Doctor Sloth Toy Soldier, and it wasn't supposed to be here.

by iwanted


Agent of the Sway: Induction - Part Seven
Clayton and Faversham were not the first to explore the passage. Despite the urgency of their mission, Faversham insisted that going first would draw attention...

by herdygerdy


Heroes of the Habitarium: Part Four
"I found something!" yelled Colston. Kendra and Brett peered over their stacks of books and paper, then scrambled over to Colston, who was holding up a small, worn book triumphantly.

by blue_thunder94


HD 5 - Happy Birthday?
Happy Birthday! ...Right?

[Sylvestre, the Red Kougra, is owned by Buizelmaniac]

by cherry_kyun


Why Weewoos Don't Play Yooyuball
Fire and feathers don't mix!

Also by quiggles_r_kewl_1

by white_draigon

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