Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 191,527,704 Issue: 609 | 22nd day of Hiding, Y15
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Short Stories

The Woes of a Misunderstood Krawken

He didn't understand why he was hated so. The Krawken only wanted the friendship of another. He had done everything in his power to make new friends...

by spirit_wolf589
Pandraka's Choice

Today was finally the day she had been looking forward to. She woke up a blue Draik, but what she would go to bed as... that was the decision.

by miraculous_
The Ascension of Dr. Hannah Stevens

"Dr. Stevens? Can you hear me?" Gordy's voice fizzled in her ear, and Hannah pressed a paw against it to block out the howling winds...

by treihaven
The Lost Toy Collector

The toy was recognizable by its eye color and the spindly hairs on its head– this was a Doctor Sloth Toy Soldier, and it wasn't supposed to be here.

by iwanted
The Woes of a Jelly Pet

Kevin could smell jelly. But that wasn't unusual, because he and his two sisters, Nina and Anabelle, were all Jelly pets, and their owner, Charles, was obsessed with jelly...

by meadows_lark

"Ick." Ebsidia stared down the hallway of the Space Station, coated with a dry, crusty slime.

by phadalusfish
Smitten at First Sight

Stood by the school gates, Abigail grinned as the red-headed Cybunny came into view, waving Lulu over.

by azizara
Daily Dare Chronicles

Dedicated to every Daily Darer in Neopia.

by jennyluo45678
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"Encounter" by phadalusfish
"Welcome to the depths of the Space Station," Barlhox said, closing the door behind him. The slime on the walls, much like the slime of the corridor they had been tasked with cleaning, was mixed with dust here. "See why cleaning is so important?" Ebsidia managed a nod...

Other Stories


5 Reasons to Adopt a Mutant Neopet
I'm here to tell you why you - yes, you, don't go turning away just yet! - why you should adopt one of the lovable little freaks of Neopian nature.

by kitteh_love_forever


Caves And Corridors: An Explorer's Guide
Mystery Island is home to countless tribes, exotic petpets, and dangerous places for a budding treasure hunter to visit. You play as Jake, an explorer who has been through countless trials to reach his level of expertise of exploring.

by magmadude18


Heroes of the Habitarium: Part Four
"I found something!" yelled Colston. Kendra and Brett peered over their stacks of books and paper, then scrambled over to Colston, who was holding up a small, worn book triumphantly.

by blue_thunder94


Against All Odds: Part Four
The day of the race, an extremely bored and discontented Scorchio, with a permanent scowl upon his face, sat behind the counter of the betting booth, continuously taking bets from an enormous queue of Neopets that just kept getting longer and longer.

by meganhilty


Plus One Intelligence
Oh yeah?

by waaurufu


It's never too early for a tea party.

by _stars_of_chaos_

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