Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 191,527,704 Issue: 609 | 22nd day of Hiding, Y15
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Daily Dare Aftermath

by christinehmackay

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Diamigo’s Noble Steed: Part Two
So it was decided. Kind of. I was to be Diamigo's noble steed. It wasn't working out well so far, since Peophins bounce a whole lot more when going fast, and Chias, having no legs, have a lot harder time staying on...

by almedha


Heroes of the Habitarium: Part Four
"I found something!" yelled Colston. Kendra and Brett peered over their stacks of books and paper, then scrambled over to Colston, who was holding up a small, worn book triumphantly.

by blue_thunder94


Aisha Soup
Trip to the Adoption Agency!

by the_shii


Caves And Corridors: An Explorer's Guide
Mystery Island is home to countless tribes, exotic petpets, and dangerous places for a budding treasure hunter to visit. You play as Jake, an explorer who has been through countless trials to reach his level of expertise of exploring.

by magmadude18

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