Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 192,232,007 Issue: 637 | 21st day of Running, Y16
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Filigree Fables - Cheat!

by filigranna

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Sebastian's Spirits: Part Five
"Curses can be lifted, can't they?" the Lupe asked desperately, but the ringmaster scoffed.

by crazy_4_sushi


Getting Painted?
Well, things like how you got your 'color' can be sensitive. :I

by kungenavmaskrosor


Rapid Refreshers, Unite!
Many people are neurotic refreshers of the New Features page.

by indulgences


The Downside to Being a Mallow Grundo
"I'm not lying! When I enter the health store all the pets look like want to eat me!"

by supremity

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