White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 192,232,007 Issue: 637 | 21st day of Running, Y16
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Continued Series

Agent of the Sway: Restoration - Part Eight

Clayton had managed to find a cargo hold with a porthole, so he could tell when the Revenge was approaching the location of New Maraqua...

by herdygerdy
Worth Fighting For: Part Eleven

He was in a very small room—no, a cell, he surmised. The walls were dark and bare, the sound of distant mechanical humming coming from somewhere below him.

by cosmicfire918
Sebastian's Spirits: Part Five

"Curses can be lifted, can't they?" the Lupe asked desperately, but the ringmaster scoffed.

by crazy_4_sushi
Travels of a Would-Be Knight: Eddetha the Immortal - Part Eight

Hansuke had never seen such joy as that which lit up Fyora's face when she saw the Mirror. "You found it!"

by daniecelpines
Fireballs Among Friends: Part Seven

Yvenya sniffed as the four Order mages followed Seradar up to the second story of his tower. The old Xweetok said, "Hardly behavior becoming of a mage and a king."

by saphira_27
The Earth Faerie: Part Two

"Knox was turned into a Mortog!"

by fairyxhearts
Awaking the Great Turmaculus: Part Three

I was so stressed about visiting Turmaculus once again that I completely forgot about my little petpet and I couldn't find him anywhere...

Also by realidade

by sky_lady

The Battle of Akram: Part Two

"Lucky I saw you in the water there. I thought I was the one painted camouflage." The strange Peophin chuckled.

by fuzzballjesse
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Neopia's Tastiest Foods

Do you ever sit around and wonder the finer points in life, like which are the tastiest? Well, my friend, I do. Of course I won't list any of the foods that are sickeningly labeled "gross food". Who labels these things? We all know all of those foods are the finest...

Other Stories


The Golden Pet
Another day lay ahead—it was intimidating, almost, to think of all I had planned out the night before.

by nativsis


Once Upon a Time
Once upon a time, in a faraway place that I could no longer remember, my older brother found time to read stories to me...

by psychedelicreature


Neopets: More than Trophies
If you've ever felt bad about which pet is your favorite, or if you've looked down your nose at certain types of pets...

by gyosco


Ten Of Neopia's Tastiest Foods
Ahh, the greatest cuisine that Neopia has to offer.

by happytimewithmilk


Gently Used
They'll never ask to use my stuff again!

Idea by liouchan

by tsuki_the_noodle


The Downside to Being a Mallow Grundo
"I'm not lying! When I enter the health store all the pets look like want to eat me!"

by supremity

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