Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 192,232,007 Issue: 637 | 21st day of Running, Y16
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The Secret Life of a Supernova

What's up there?

by invalid
Pteri Wings: A Cause from Comics

I found the cause!

by _torchic__
It's Not a Mustache!


by violetsigh
NeoQuest II Logic

You are attacked!

by marzipan
The Zaf Girls


by thesovietivan
133984: Let Them Eat Cake, part 1

Have you seen Hilda around?

by lycaonpictus77
Random Oddness

The next Kanrik capsule is probably going to have bows.

by mistyqee
Making Friends

It is tough being prickly!

by rikarie
Gently Used

They'll never ask to use my stuff again!

Idea by liouchan

by tsuki_the_noodle

Filigree Fables - Cheat!

Branston the Eyrie is a sly one...

by filigranna
Adventures in Plushland

Modesty is not Damien's best quality.

by ramheart
The Downside to Being a Mallow Grundo

"I'm not lying! When I enter the health store all the pets look like want to eat me!"

by supremity
Slushie Vs. Noise

Some fans cannot wait for the games to start!

by piiucca
One Panel of Doom

Poor little Mutant Hissi, someday it will choose where to go...

by blazethecat4885
Reality of REs: You Would THINK This is a Good RE

But it really isn't.

Also by oracle419

by ribbonpig

Getting Painted?

Well, things like how you got your 'color' can be sensitive. :I

by kungenavmaskrosor

I'll try restocking today!

by conveyance
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Neopia's Tastiest Foods

Do you ever sit around and wonder the finer points in life, like which are the tastiest? Well, my friend, I do. Of course I won't list any of the foods that are sickeningly labeled "gross food". Who labels these things? We all know all of those foods are the finest...

Other Stories


A Game
"We're going to play a game. Each of you will track another pet and lead said pet back here. There is no time limit."

by 77thbigby


Once Upon a Time
Once upon a time, in a faraway place that I could no longer remember, my older brother found time to read stories to me...

by psychedelicreature


The Almost Abandoned Attic Time System
What makes this shop amazing is that you don't have to simply sit there and refresh non-stop. It has a schedule.

by sakura_dreamer


Neopets: More than Trophies
If you've ever felt bad about which pet is your favorite, or if you've looked down your nose at certain types of pets...

by gyosco


Sebastian's Spirits: Part Five
"Curses can be lifted, can't they?" the Lupe asked desperately, but the ringmaster scoffed.

by crazy_4_sushi


Agent of the Sway: Restoration - Part Eight
Clayton had managed to find a cargo hold with a porthole, so he could tell when the Revenge was approaching the location of New Maraqua...

by herdygerdy

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