For an easier life Circulation: 194,831,969 Issue: 799 | 29th day of Gathering, Y19
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Acara Adventures

by glittery4u

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A Bit Uncanny: Beach Day
If you went to the beach and didn't nearly drown, did you really even go to the beach?

by neon_leaf


Master of Ceremonies: Part Five
Desperate for air, she furiously kicked her hind legs in order to push her head above water, but something was tugging on her hips, holding her back.

by sin_hui_ryoma


Customizing is in the Eye of the Beholder...
New outifits make the world go round...

by sn4zzeh


A New Theory of the Evolution of the Hissi
This talk proposes a new theory of how the Hissi, that serpentine Neopet we've all grown to love, came into existence.

by alli_draggy

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