Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 194,831,969 Issue: 799 | 29th day of Gathering, Y19
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12 Favorite Spooky Avatars for Fall

If you enjoy taking trips to Haunted Woods for some frightful fun or just love anything spooky then this article is perfect for you.

Also by Lindsay

by madiwoo

The Most Thorough Gormball History Lesson, Part 2

The saga continues find out the best tips for Gormball!

by mouseketeers
Ask a Successful Guild Leader

Finding an active guild that matches your personality is no easy task.

by blade0904
The Girl On Fire

She knew she was destined for something greater than an average life...

Also by Honnetete

by coerces

Autumn Hot Drink Recipes

You want to feel warm and cozy inside when the air is brisk outside, right?

by happyinengland
Negotiating A Trade As A Buyer

Whatever your Neo-fancy is, you've probably had to come up against the Trading Post at one point or another...

by ellaisback
The Best Water For Your Salty Friend

We all have a salty friend; the one who always seasons their food a little too much...

Also by relocating and stoneyboloney

by butterflybandage

28 Weird Neopets Things You Didn't Know

Here are some of the fun trivia facts I’ve discovered that you might not know!

by unfreeze_divicool72
5 Ways to Get Ready For Fall & Halloween

The weather is getting cooler, and soon the leaves will begin changing colors to the beautiful red, orange, yellow and browns.

by _the_spardel_queen_
A New Theory of the Evolution of the Hissi

This talk proposes a new theory of how the Hissi, that serpentine Neopet we've all grown to love, came into existence.

by alli_draggy
The Neopian Book Club: What to read and what to skip

Which of the hundreds of books are worth reading? Which are just not worth the time? This article will detail just that.

Also by raspberrywatching33

by table

Six Easy Neopoint Halloween Costumes

As September nears its end, October follows quickly behind and we all know what that means… Halloween is soon to arrive!

by jellikescherrypie
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"The Weewoo of the Island" by rock_star_megs
Sherbolt Haven, Neovia's #1 private detective, needed a vacation. Or rather, the residents of Neovia had decided that he definitely needed vacation. (Truthfully, the residents of Neovia desperately needed a vacation from Haven.) So it was on a cool summer evening that an emergency town hall meeting was convened. A few days prior, a hasty afternoon tea amongst the town's elders at the Crumpetmonger had come up with a plan to entice Haven to attend said town meeting (for he generally had no time for such trivialities, being an important and in-demand private detective, of course. One never knew when mysteries would come up, so Haven felt it was always best to be prepared and on standby). Mr. Cameron had persuaded Haven to attend under the guise of an urgent request to find his missing Green Antique Chair (which had somehow mysteriously – and conveniently – disappeared from his drawing room), and was adamant that there were clues to be found in the town hall itself. Never one to turn down a case or ignore clues (no matter how obscure or preposterous), Haven readily agreed to take on the case and meet Mr. Cameron at precisely half past 6 that evening at the town hall. (Haven had tried to tell Mr. Cameron that his presence was unnecessary – Haven's long-time and trusted assistant, Weatherby, would naturally be accompanying him, much to Weatherby's dismay – but Mr. Cameron was most insistent on watching the brilliant mind of Haven at work, so obviously Haven graciously allowed Mr. Cameron to observe him at the aforementioned time.) Promptly at half past 6, Haven, dressed to impress in one of his finest Prigpants & Swolthy Gnorbu-wool dark brown suits (specially customized for this particular Bruce, with a multitude of hidden pockets that any detective would require), arrived at the town hall, looking around for Mr. Cameron. "Hurry up, old chap!" Haven said, turning around to watch the slightly slower progress of Weatherby, a rather portly Usul as some would say, coming up the street. (Weatherby had just finished his supper before Haven dragged him out of the office, hence his slower pace.)

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We Ought Never To Have Done It: Part One
In the dying light of the day, Detective Inspector Hiram Landsdale of the Defenders of Neopia thought it looked more like a dead tree or a bolt of branching lightning.

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by mistyqee


Grey food is great but has it's downsides...
What flavor did you get?

by littlegirlydude

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