A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,831,969 Issue: 799 | 29th day of Gathering, Y19
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Continued Series

Master of Ceremonies: Part Five

Desperate for air, she furiously kicked her hind legs in order to push her head above water, but something was tugging on her hips, holding her back.

by sin_hui_ryoma

The final tale of the Conjurocalypse is here...

Also by emberfusion, kat_bus and illegalangelx

by remidica

The Princess of Flowers: Part Ten

ou were very kind to poof us all the way to Terror Mountain, Nathaniel!

by downrightdude
The Poossession: Part Two

Leowinn wasn't sure she should help, since she had scared Collux off in the first place...

by ag1228l
Young Jhudora and Queen Fyora: Part Seven

Jhudora slowly stood up from the mattress. As there were no windows, she had no concept of what time it was. She slowly opened the door and looked out at the hall. There was no one...

by rocksysmom
Funny Faerie Part Three

Eran tensed, ready for an angry reaction to her disgraceful confession. But no reaction came, Reggie just sighed.

by trixietrotter
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"The Draik in Search of Precious Kin" by _brainchild_
Chessella the Draik and her siblings were sitting on the benches outside their house, supervising their little sister, Walda the Kacheek. As the child played on the monkey bars, her three older sisters were consumed by boredom. They weren't interested in playground equipment, so they had nothing to do... or so they thought. Then Maldice, one of the other sisters, had an idea. "Hey," she began, "we've never explored that old tower before, even though we've been living here for a while. It's been in our backyard for a long time, yet we don't know what's inside. I've been wondering recently, so I think we should go investigate." "Bad idea, Maldice," answered Ella. "There are probably creepy bugs and snakes inside, which could bite you." "I was bitten by a Spyder once," pointed out Angie, another sister. "That was anything but fun." "I'm curious, though," insisted Maldice. "I wouldn't do it," Angie told her. "Curiosity kills the Kougra." "It can't be THAT bad! I'm gonna go look while you two watch Walda." Ella sighed. "Don't come crying to US for help," she grumbled. Maldice strode to the other side of the backyard, admiring the gorgeous blossoms within. Then she saw the tower. It had a rustic charm to it, which intrigued her. She also thought that the tower might have some historical significance. She had not always been interested in history, yet she had come to appreciate the subject as she read more and more books while in Brightvale. She tried to open the door, which abruptly creaked open after some effort. However, she was instantly confronted by swarms of Spyders and Batterflies. Unnerved, she slammed the door shut and took a deep breath. She sauntered back to her sisters to inform them of the disappointing results. "Swarms of creepy-crawlies," she sighed. "Told you," shrugged Angie. "You're lucky you weren't bitten." "I guess so. Let's take Walda inside. It looks like she's getting tired." "Okay," agreed Ella. She turned to the child. "Walda! You look worn-out. Let's go inside." "Alright," Fatigued, Walda followed her sisters inside.

Other Stories


Shallow Dreams
The jumble of incoherency sounded out gruffly with the occasional interruption of a hard metal wrench banging on what appeared to be - a new experiment.

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The Draik in Search of Precious Kin
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Six Easy Neopoint Halloween Costumes
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by serebii251


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New outifits make the world go round...

by sn4zzeh

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