teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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Neo's Law

However, there are also the unwritten rules; these are just as daunting as those set before us in easy-to-read vernacular. You know they're there but rarely ever give them much mind. And whenever your thoughts are directed to the topic, it's usually in exasperation...

by 4zure
Top 10 Ice Cream Choices

In Neopia, you can find many fun, exciting, and tasty flavors. All have a personality of their own, believe me. Ice cream comes in many shapes as well.

by doggieloover23
Ask Armin

Well, I think we’ve waited long enough. Perhaps you’ve been wondering when you would hear from me... it’s been a while since I saved the world... and here I am, to bring you a wonderful self-esteem-raising column. I mean, really, honestly we could have come up with a better name for this...

by angelwater630

Toys Mania!!!!!

Why shouldn't users buy toys for their pets? This is toy central; if your pet is not having fun with its toy, then that means it is time to buy it a new one...

by mexico802
In Praise of the Painted Pet

Somehow "equal" always feels like less. Therefore, if it becomes clear that one of your pets dreams of flying among the clouds one day but you can only afford one faerie paint brush, by all means buy it. Do not deny your pet happiness only because your pets all have different needs.

by zanybrainyno1
A Guide to Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway

Have you always wanted to get maximum points or even a trophy for this game, but those annoying Neovians always kill poor Bruno? Or you gotten stuck on this annoying level eight called "Point of no return" because you don't know how to get that potion?

by bambosh_rider
Meepit vs. Feepit - Let's Rumble!

In the Blue Corner we have the horror of the Haunted Woods. Fifteen bouts, fifteen knockouts. Weighing in at two and a half pounds, the undefeated reigning NFA Meepit vs. Feepit champion...

by tyleraapje
Fun and Random Weapons!

Ever wondered what is really behind those normal weapons? Ever asked yourself, "Where are those funny weapons?" or "Where are those random weapons?" Well, here you go! This article presents a fresh new topic about "Fun and Random Weapons!"

by ygss
Neopian New Year Resolutions

There are articles about what’s the best gift to give to Frank Sloth and how to make a Kiko snowman (a hint, you only need to roll one snowball). I’m looking a little bit further ahead, though, for soon after the holidays is the turning to a New Year and that means it’s time to sit down and think about your Neopian New Year Resolutions.

by summerschilde
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"Spelling Bees and Bullies" by cutiefluteyelephant4
She sloshed through the snow unhappily, feeling embarrassed at the looks all her classmates had given her. She should have let Lucy won. She'd had her fame for the last eight weeks. Jen looked up from her self-scolding, and saw Lucy hurrying around the corner of the street, draped in a small, thin, torn cape, clutching a Tatty Notebook and a Tatty Pencil...

Other Stories


Watching the Sunset
Even though it became a habit, the sky didn’t always assume the same color scheme every time. Sometimes it had more purple, sometimes more red, and the inconstant routine made the sunset, if possible, more beautiful...

by precious_katuch14


Dear Akkani
It always saddens me when I go down to the beach and I know that your beautiful smile and somehow haunting voice I will not find anywhere, no matter how hard I look...

by akkani


The Hoarders: Part Four
Cane had disappeared again. She knew that was the plan, but she began to feel slightly more miserable. She couldn't remember the way back to the house, and she always felt so lonely without her companion...

by ruff_zette


A Heroine's Heist: Part One
Cassie rarely ever visited this part of Sakhmet to see Stan, but when she did, Stan was not amused...

by jayandcourtneyk


Just Sit
A charmingly inappropriate Christmas gift...

by katopia12


Sophie's Nightmare
Sophie, great chemist, but physics?

by explorer_253

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