Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 189,978,751 Issue: 562 | 14th day of Gathering, Y14
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Snowbeast Snackrifice: A Guide to Slinging Petpets

They will jump in front of the way, to try and stop your path, but you must do everything in your power to feed the snowbeast, or else he won't be appeased...

by xenophynx
Top 10 Best Chocolate Items

I've gathered the top 10 chocolate items that will sure get your mouth watering, chocolate lover or not.

by cachorritalinda12
The Seven Savoriest

Seven berries of the highest order with luscious and diverse flavors.

by seamonsterlake
Ten Outfits to Wear to the Annual Chocolate Ball

What does one wear to the Annual Chocolate Ball? Is there such a thing as too formal? What about casual wear? Do you have to wear actual chocolate to garner an invite?

by star138
The First Day of School - Getting Your Pets Ready

It's that time of year. The vacations are over, the heat is gone, and cold weather is quickly approaching.

by decapod
Chocolate - to Eat Or Not to Eat?

Well, since the annual Chocolate Ball is coming up, we decided to give a list chocolates that are delicious... and terrible.

by pinkcrown123
Curbing Over-Indulgence during The Chocolate Ball

How can I host this amazing event filled with chocolates galore, but at the same time try not to eat myself silly?!?!

by thexfadingpaths
A Zombie's Guide to Chocolate

Over the hundred odd years of my existence, I have noticed many zombies and ghost Neopians believe chocolate doesn't really appeal to them. It's too sweet. The chocolate shapes are too cute...

by ancientsecrets
Planning Your Own Personal Chocolate Ball

Another year has come and gone, and that elusive Chocolate Ball invite must have gotten lost in the mail again! Really, you'd think that any Kiko with such a well-trimmed goatee would be able to handle things like that.

Also by _moosetracks

by mojoschweni

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Your Own Chocolate Ball

Another year has come and gone, and that elusive Chocolate Ball invite must have gotten lost in the mail again! Really, you'd think that any Kiko with such a well-trimmed goatee would be able to handle things like that. Well, who made him the boss of chocolate-themed parties? We'll show him. This year, you and I are going to throw our own...

Other Stories


Unwelcome Visitors
The flakes began to fall quite rapidly when Mika found herself a mere five minutes away from her igloo. She shivered beneath her tight parka...

Also by clintrocks2010

by surath


Underwater Fishing
Ah, Ye Old Fishing Vortex. A great way to enjoy some time out of the house... and also get some free dinner, as my owner said.

by melina322


His Name is Kribal: Part One
Putrid fumes filled the grim passages cut into the harsh terrain, the purple tunnels burrowing ever deeper beneath the surface of Neopia's only moon.

by d_morton


I Will Stand Alone: Part Four
Outside of the palace, these tunnels weren't particularly well-maintained. The stone was dank with mold and mildew, and many of the cobbles under their feet were crumbling...

by saphira_27


Not everybody likes the Chocolate Ball...

by sheik_93


Beach volleyball dress code.

by ghostkomorichu

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