For an easier life Circulation: 194,701,845 Issue: 788 | 30th day of Relaxing, Y19
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Wardrobe Guide for the Acara Aquatic Festival

Wahoo! The day has come! As an Acara enthusiast, the Acara Aquatic Festival is my favorite day of the year.

Also by dissiechrissie

by applebella

A Live Interview With the Shootout Showdown Goalie

Good afternoon all you superfans, and welcome back to the most-watched show on television, where you'll find the most in-depth coverage of the 12th Altador Cup!!!

Also by maskel_iceblue

by sailorini_1

My Uni is how big??- 10 pets with surprising sizes!

After this article, you may find yourself looking at your precious Cybunny in a whole new way!

by ashhajax
Foolproof Kadoatie Feeding For Intermediate Feeders

A true kadder never misses the main.

by littledude61394
Top Ten Petpets For Your Acara

Need ideas for a good petpet to give to your Acara? Look no further.

by angel_aura_quartz
Accepting Rejection

Rejection is an inevitable possibility when putting yourself out to the public. It’s not that people don’t care about your pet, your poetry, or your art; it’s just that sometimes, people will chose other options over you. That doesn’t make them bad, and it doesn’t make you bad, either.

by butterflybandage
Premium Perks: Making the Most of Your Upgrade

So you’ve upgraded your Neopets account to Neopets Premium. Now what?

by kayahtik
Hungry For Fashion

It is a bit intimidating to face the massive amount of wearables currently available to try to find the best edible outfits for your pet to put on, so I've done a lot of research myself to bring you this list. This features various types of wearables, all with food being the star of the piece, that you can give to your pet.

by brodysseus
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"The Tale of TDMBGPOP" by danzgirl12
Kiko's Kamp for Kids only ran in week-long sessions, but most of these kids were return visitors. Many of them had been here for a month straight. There were really only two types of campers at Kiko's Kamp: the kids that misbehaved so much at home that their parents paid for them to go to camp just to get a break from them, and the kids that were sent here because their parents thought they were socially awkward and needed to make new friends. Stellaluna ("Stella") the Blue Ogrin was the second kind of camper. As she tried to move closer to the campfire, she tripped over a log and collapsed to the ground, all four of her legs tangling up together. She quickly pulled herself to an upright position. The other campers might've laughed at this, if not for the fact that they had seen Stella trip countless times over the past three months. "So, what's the story tonight, Mr. Garic?" She peered at the old Gnorbu through her thick glasses. They had become lopsided as a result of her fall, and she took a moment to straighten them out. Garic always felt like Stella could see right through to his very core whenever they made eye contact. Her spectacles made her eyes look four times their normal size. It was a little creepy. No wonder she had no friends... "Mr. Garic?" Her tiny voice startled him from his thoughts. He cleared his throat. "Tonight, we hear the tale of T-D-M-B-G-P-O-P!" "What?" "Huh?" "The who?" "I said, Tee-Dee-Em-Bee-Gee-Pop! The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity." "Oooooooooohhhh."

Other Stories


The Tale of TDMBGPOP
"I said, Tee-Dee-Em-Bee-Gee-Pop! The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity."

by danzgirl12


They Came With a Shriek of Misery
Sequel to Mutant Bog.

by forestfleet


Defender Scarlet Shadow in the Robots of Heart: Part Four
Sopherie closed her eyes and waited for the pain to come.

by orisasda


Captain Karen: Part Five
T he scratching noise had gotten louder. Over the last four days the crew had been trying to catch the mysterious creature.

by cyber1ofkakoradesert


What A Coincidence
The Horror!!

by jjensen688


Hissi Tails
Bad puns? Hissies? What's not to love?

by allis__hissis

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