Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 194,701,845 Issue: 788 | 30th day of Relaxing, Y19
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New Series

The Travels of a Would-Be Knight: The Beginning

Next Roxias gazed at the lupess for a moment, his ears drooping slightly as he did. But then his ears, as well as his body, straightened up, and he carefully stowed the picture in the pocket of his tunic right over his heart. “I will make good, Mam. I promise.

by daniecelpines
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"They Came With a Shriek of Misery" by forestfleet
His war career wasn't one he talked about frequently unless it came up. He had the stories to tell, but he couldn't tell them all, for various reasons. Most complicated was Void's story, a Wraith resembling a bird more than a Wraith. If you saw her, you would see a purple-feathered being with black on the underbelly, and plum-colored tail-feathers that went in a wedge. She had claws no sharper than a pencil's point, along with a dull beak. Unlike other Wraiths, she had eyes instead of holes, specifically white eyes with black pupils, and the eyes were round instead of an almond-shape. More plum-colored feathers extended above her head, as a crest of three feathers slicked backwards. She was one of many things Chris brought back from the War of Faerie's Ruin. That, and a scar on his chest. A black splotchy scar that looked like a bird's foot almost. Not that anyone would make that comparison immediately. He would recommend that as a shape, and some Neopets made out similarities. Three lines extended from a blob, with a fourth line as a heel. Chris seemed to love the bird, for no real reason. He claimed she was a relic he found from the war. Usually, you had to obtain a license to own a Wraith, but Chris had no license. Still, it's not like the Defenders of Neopia were trying to find any miscreant who had a Wraith against their approval. And so sometimes Chris could be seen, flipping channels on the Neovision with one hand, and stroking the birdie-wraith with the other hand...

Other Stories


They Came With a Shriek of Misery
Sequel to Mutant Bog.

by forestfleet


Interview with Feldon “Dinksy” Collibridge
To commemorate this achievement, Tobias and Hovri have arranged an interview with Dinksy, who is back on Krawk Island following the end of the Altador Cup.

by avielend


Top Ten Petpets For Your Acara
Need ideas for a good petpet to give to your Acara? Look no further.

by angel_aura_quartz


Accepting Rejection
Rejection is an inevitable possibility when putting yourself out to the public. It’s not that people don’t care about your pet, your poetry, or your art; it’s just that sometimes, people will chose other options over you. That doesn’t make them bad, and it doesn’t make you bad, either.

by butterflybandage


tombola pls

by shotodo


It's not easy being a Kiko.
Win the Altador Cup in Y17, still can't get any respect.

Also by hottie_2004_67_888

by xoxcharm

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