A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 195,933,921 Issue: 886 | 20th day of Celebrating, Y21
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Etta and the Old Timesake, Part 7

Goodbye, Etta?

by shadowstrand
Head in the Clouds: Holiday Special

Ready for our trip to Happy Valley?

by yoshisislandbandit
A Previously-Unseen Side Of The Neopian Holidays 3

It's holiday-related, look it up!

by korbat2_5
Dinner with the Scarlets: Holiday Happenings

Taking the time to reach out can mean more than you know.

by june_scarlet
Winter Hide-and-Seek

They'll never find us

by she_chose_love
Royal Oddness: Holiday Edition

This comic was also made by winner19955

by mistyqee

{ Crowded Woods }

one gift on christmas eve!

by candyplague
The Case of the Missing Chocolate Santa Candies


by _brainchild_
Talking on the Neoboards


by kaddisti
The Sleepover

How sneaky!

by trishabeakens
Holiday Spirit

1st vs 24th

Also by grimlane

by dianalovee

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"A Christmas Surprise" by extreme_butterfly
Merily the Meerca and her family moved to a small town in Faerieland due to her dads new job offer that they couldn't afford to refuse. Bad thing is, Merily had to leave behind her school and her friends including her best friend Reignbow the Ixi and to make matters worse, it was almost Christmas.Every Christmas, Merily and Reignbows family would get together to eat,open gifts,and spend time together. Although, Merily was excited for Christmas, she was sad because she would be spending it without her best friend. They was so close, Neopians that didn't know them, often thought they were siblings. Although, they considered themselves sisters, they weren't actually blood related.

Other Stories


A Brynnso Christmas Special 4 -- For Christmas Issue
The following is a script commissioned by Queen Fyora herself due to increasing nostalgia for more Christmas-themed plays in her tower around this time of year.

by rielcz


A Christmas Surprise
Merily the Meerca and her family moved to a small town in Faerieland due to her dads new job offer that they couldn't afford to refuse. Bad thing is, Merily had to leave behind her school and her friends including her best friend Reignbow the Ixi and to make matters worse, it was almost Christmas.

by extreme_butterfly


Holiday Backgrounds: Suggestions for the Fashionable

Also by larkspurlane

by _razcalz_


Gifts You Should Get For Your Battle-Loving Friends!
One of my favorite things about the Month of Celebrating— besides the holiday festivities, winter-themed games, hot borovan and frequent trips to Happy Valley— is the wonderful act of gift-giving!

by milestrong


Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Eight
“You need any help with that?”

by josephinefarine


Return to Shenkuu
“Hey, Princess, letter for you.”

by alphachicky

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