A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 195,933,921 Issue: 886 | 20th day of Celebrating, Y21
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Continued Series

Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Eight

“You need any help with that?”

by josephinefarine
The Book of the Twelve:Part Twelve

XII-I. Oberon, the Conjurer

by herdygerdy
The Dark Detective:Part Four

“So you see, we really are in the same boat here. Well, not boat. Island. Predicament. You know what I mean.” Dark gave Soren a cheerful grin, and the Kyrii gave him a rueful nod in return.

by tanikagillam
A Shattered Confession:Part Two

It had been three days since she gave herself up. Though the air was still and peaceful, the fields were empty and dead in comparison.

by fallingdaybreak
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Top 15 Advent Calendar Prizes of the Decade!

All over Neopia, people are beginning to decorate, singing a new tune, suddenly acting friendlier or more generously… There is no denying the magic of the holiday season, it brings out something different in everyone. People come together to celebrate life, with all its ups and downs, and give back to one another just out of kindness and love. Although we may not always understand what makes these cheery times so exciting, we do know that there is one thing that brings many Neopians together every year, without fail. That would be the Advent Calendar.

Other Stories


A Brynnso Christmas Special 4 -- For Christmas Issue
The following is a script commissioned by Queen Fyora herself due to increasing nostalgia for more Christmas-themed plays in her tower around this time of year.

by rielcz


A Christmas Surprise
Merily the Meerca and her family moved to a small town in Faerieland due to her dads new job offer that they couldn't afford to refuse. Bad thing is, Merily had to leave behind her school and her friends including her best friend Reignbow the Ixi and to make matters worse, it was almost Christmas.

by extreme_butterfly


The Ultimate Day of Giving NC Gift Guide
The month of Celebrating is perfect for taking some time off, relaxing, and having fun with your Neopets. You and your Neopets can take a trip to the icy slopes of Terror Mountain, drink some delicious Caramel Hot Chocolate by the fireside of your Neohome, or even dare to pester the Snowager for a chance at some cool loot.

by minkpink


Holiday Backgrounds: Suggestions for the Fashionable

Also by larkspurlane

by _razcalz_


{ Crowded Woods }
one gift on christmas eve!

by candyplague


Head in the Clouds: Holiday Special
Ready for our trip to Happy Valley?

by yoshisislandbandit

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